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    Posted 11 years ago

    (141 items)

    Hi Collectors here are my collection of pluto animated clocks from 1955. there are 2 ivory ones and 3 orange ones. the one in the middle of the 1st photo is an advertisement for vitality dog products hope you enjoy

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    1. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      How cute is that !!!!!!
    2. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      How cute is that !!!!!!
    3. crazycharacter, 11 years ago
      Very nice! Thanks for sharing!
    4. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 11 years ago
      thanks George and crazycharacter, are you studdering george
    5. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Too excited to see 5 in one go, hit send 3 times by mistake! Mickey, you can delete a couple if you like!
    6. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      LOL studder... triple the loves Mickey... very nice
    7. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 11 years ago
      Thanks Kerry , OK to get excited George it makes life more fun
    8. inky inky, 11 years ago
      That first one made me smile...:-)
    9. kbair, 10 years ago
      I have a pluto clock that was my father in laws as a child. It is missing one of the clock hand bones. I want to replace it and get clock functional as this is one of the few things he has left from his childhood. Any help in pointing me in the right direction for help on this?
    10. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 10 years ago
      kbair I do not have ant parts for the Pluto clocks but maybe Kerry 10456 can help you

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