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Filli Firenze

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (364 items)

    It always amazes me what you can find at the thrift. Today I found a ton of vintage hankies (oh yeah, so there) and this beauty.

    This is an Italian reproduction in Carrara marble (some say 90%?) of the Veiled Lady or Veiled bride. The original is by Raffaelle Moni (1818-1881) and is in Chatsworth House.

    She has a couple of small chips on some flowers but that doesn't effect her beauty.

    It is signed Filli Firenze Made in Italy Which I didn't see as she was super dirty. Scrubbing her down, revealed the signature.

    She is about 14 inches high, and on a six inch pedestal....which I just realized that I didn't get a picture of...

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    1. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Thanks Geo and south cop! That was quick! She is a beauty
    3. Moonhill Moonhill, 11 years ago
      Could the statue is signed Frilli Firenze? Frilli work is valuable....Very nice piece.
    4. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Did I miss an "r"????
    5. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Yep today
    6. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Added bonus...25% off color! So...$10. Hahahahaha!
    7. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Yes that was my crazy laugh...thrift high
    8. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      How do I do that?
    9. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Gosh! beautiful is that!...well done AmberRose!...:-)
    10. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago

      I wanted just to write OMG as an immediate reaction but IT won't let me!
    11. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Thanks ICOLLECT - now i get it!

      Is there an A before the "Filli"?
    12. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Sorry was putting the kiddos to bed...
      Yes there is an "A"
      Perhaps marble dust that is molded?
    13. Hunter Hunter, 11 years ago
      WHAAA? SO GORGEOUS. Sorry for the all caps. Couldn't help myself. This is why we THRIFT!!! :)
    14. Hunter Hunter, 11 years ago
      So here's a Frilli company based in Florence (aka Firenze) -
    15. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Hmm. Check out "A. Frilli" on google images and you will see versions of the signature. Hasten Slowly!
    16. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      You are both right! I have a project due so I haven't done my super research.
      You should have seen my face when I looked up and saw her sitting on the shelf at a thrift. Price? Good...yellow tag...25% off that day! Why it was there still...
      Carried her filthy filthy self around cradled like a baby. Smelly baby. Totally worth it!
    17. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      What a great find Amber ! I had a chance to pick one of these up last Summer at Volunteers, but passed on it because it was a "made in China" or some such thing. Not Italian or I would have bought it. There was something about it that wasn't as nice as it should have been. This on the other hand was a really diamond in the rough ! These are the finds that makes our little addiction all worth it !
    18. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      What a find and what a beauty, congratulations!
    19. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Oh this was a thrift high for sure Mike! But when I found her wasn't as sure...she was kind of gross and smelly.
      Agram, thank you. Now I have to find the perfect credenza to put her and all my ladies on. Bought one, approved by hubby, but he didn't like it when I got it home. It's sitting in the garage!
    20. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Dining room.
    21. kyratango kyratango, 11 years ago
      Can read FILLI, not FRilli... so, certainly a copy of... a copy! But for $10, it doesn't detract! ;-) So beautiful!

      saw this one:

      Marble is cold, gritty under the tooth (like real pearls!), if you examine the chips under jeweller magnifier the material is microcristalline like a piece of white sugar.

      Hope this will help :-)

    22. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 11 years ago
      Beautiful, Amber!
    23. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      OMG! Beautiful!! Simon Sez!! MGO!!!! figure that one out?? ToraKitty!!
    24. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      stunning !!! Amber!! very very well done !!
    25. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Oh you bet Hunter , this is why we do thrift , you know me im big on thrifting!!! :)
    26. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      It is a perfect example of a thrift high.
      Thanks for the info Kyratango! Will examine after I get kiddos to bed tonight.
      Think there is an r there but I do not believe that this is the high end piece. Copy of a copy makes sense. Still pretty.
      In case case of what the...hubby not overly keen. Just meh. I might have to take him in for repairs.
    27. sarahoff sarahoff, 11 years ago
      Dear god is she amazing!!!
    28. Moonhill Moonhill, 11 years ago
      Did you find out if it is marble?? or the man made's beautiful
    29. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Guessing a man made marble. Maybe dust and a polymer? A good piece, pretty as heck but not a zillion dollar buy a beach house piece.
      She really is a stunner though.
      Sister already putting her hat in the ring.
    30. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      She does say made in Italy. So don't think a Chinese knock off. Quality just a bit too high for that. Plus doesn't feel right...but I have been wrong before.
      Just like her and her pretty self.
    31. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      I so agree with you icollect!! I really do love this!!!
    32. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      be it a beach home or zillion dollar estate, looks great and would display her proudly :-)
    33. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      I like the research. I like having fun to see which side of the blanket she was born on. She's around my kids so...hahaha. Sorry I just cracked myself up there.
      I get what you are saying Eye. I grew up with treasures coming and going (high end stuff, as Dad was an antique dealer) so not bothered too much. I do feel that sentiment though. I do feel protective of the treasures too.
    34. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Currently she is on the the center!
    35. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      nicely said AmberRose.... the excitement of the search is part too I'd bet
    36. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      But then again, I'm the fred Stanford ofr timepieces and love just about anything lol
    37. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Right Kerry! Right Eye! However, I think she was still there because she was so filthy...and smelled pretty bad. Put her in the way back of the car instead of seat belted next to me. She was a tan color. Now much brighter. I used an old tooth brush to scrub...yuck flashback. So my first impression is also mixed with hosing her down. Taking CW pictures. The thrill of finding the signature. Everyone's amazing reactions...the total package!
    38. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      she would always be welcomed into my home!!! ;)
    39. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      It's not just the treasures, it's the journey too.
    40. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      My big picture: I love the hunt and the research and it all. I can't keep it all. Plus hubby won't let me. So I have a couple of flea markets. 1/3 goes to family vacation. 1/3 I put back to the the hunt and 1/3 I donate to charity. Usually the Red Cross. This year it goes to our friends daughters surgery bill. It's massive.
      Hopefully the world balances.
    41. Hunter Hunter, 11 years ago
      Love your outlook Amber, keep on keeping on! :)
    42. Moonstonelover.jr Moonstonelover.jr, 11 years ago
      I saw her in the movie with Kiera Knightley....pride and prejudice the movie!
    43. Budek Budek, 11 years ago
      Out of the park, Amber!
      What a knock out, if I wasn't sitting down I'd fall down,
      beauty attracts beauty! Congratulations!
    44. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Again so sweet Budek! I do think it's a real one, especially after seeing Moonhill's recent post.
      Moon Jr, you are so right.
    45. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
    46. melaniej melaniej, 11 years ago
    47. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Mille grazie Melanie!
    48. Histoyhunter21 Histoyhunter21, 11 years ago
      I think that piece is Stunning! Envious!
    49. mcheconi mcheconi, 11 years ago
      I am impressed by this sculpture since I was a kid.
    50. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      What an amazing sculpture, I'd never seen this before. The talent of an artist to create the illusion of a veil over a face, incredible. Now I want this sculpture, lol. I see they carry the sculpture at Wal-Mart!

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