Posted 11 years ago
(158 items)
Antiquerose asked how I get my pieces to photograph so brightly . The first and most important thing is the uranium content of the piece.A low content piece is not going to pop brightly.
The two bulb lamp stays next to the spot I take the pics shining down on them.The other one bulb lamp I hold over the camera,which is on a tripod,facing the piece.My camera has a fireworks setting which I find works very nicely for these pics and bright pics are the end result.
Oh Neat!! Thanks for sharing!!
I only use one bulb so may make the difference too.....Also I have never tried to use the *Fireworks* setting on my camera.......might have to give it a whirl!!
Again Thanks for Sharing -- and Your Uranium Pieces just POP....and that is what I love!!
~ S ~ W ~ E ~ E ~ T ~
Thanks so much
......and as another way to Thank you via the net, Take a look a Lustrousstone Gallery as she also collect Uranium Glass. So thought you might enjoy that.
Thanks again for sharing this!!
Never thought about sticking some blacklights in a desk lamp like that. Gonna have to steal that idea :D.
Fantastic. Nice to see what light you use. Your photos always look so great i want the exact same one :-D