Bigsarge » collections



Missouri City, Texas

I'm a newly Retired Army Soldier. This image is of my Hero. I have and collect Oil and Limited Ed Print Art. Pocket Watches, Cameo Jewelry, Glass and dishware, Old 1I'm a newly Retired Army Soldier. This image is of my Hero. I have and collect Oil and Limited Ed Print Art. Pocket Watches, Cameo Jewelry, Glass and dishware, Old 1900 or less Books. Salt and Pepper Shackers, Old Military Gear, Old Bottles, Bottles, Hot Wheels, Toys, Comics, clocks and old Avon Bottles just to name a few. (Read more)


  1. Thanks fortapache
  2. Thanks, nutsabotas6
  3. Thanks Katerin and JA for your commits.
  4. Thanks musik
  5. A little bit of them all musik. Baseball, Basket, Foot, and Hock.
  6. Hummm $749.99 that book does not look like mine. Mine is dated 1904 theirs 1905. Thanks Roy.
  7. I have a few sports cards, but I do not know to price them or find out if they are worth holding on to. I do remember Harvey Martin.
  8. Thanks Musik for getting me to Post them. I wasn't collecting them when I got them. Just so happens the school was giving books away. I too these because of their age. Now I will start look out for th...
  9. Of course that depends on what good condition is, They don't look as good as they did when I first got them.
  10. Except 1 they are in pretty good condition kinda forgot about them. How much would you like to see of the 1920?
  11. Thanks to all of you.
  12. I just saw this today, I have 31 of these from Oldest 1920, 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's last one 2000. The years with the 's has several dates and months.
  13. AGH you are always there for me Thanks
  14. Thanks Guys
  15. Sorry guys I forgot to thank you all.
  16. Thanks Mel & Forta.
  17. Thanks to all of you. I would like to meet someone who collects Prints to get advise.
  18. Thanks AGH & POPS It is a bonus when I find one with the papers with it. I have Limited Ed on a few who have since passed. I always heard that their works went up in value after death, no such luck...
  19. Thanks Loumanal
  20. Thanks again TC tho I didn't like the NEW part.
  21. Thanks TallCakes
  22. Yours is different from mine, I was told to be Antique it has to have no dial. Hope this helps.
  24. Hummm mine has markings on the bottom along the side, have you looked there?
  25. Thanks Riply206 I Saw that after the fact. I'm going to regift it.
  26. eye4 & Lou and everyone of you I knew you all were smarter than I am than to make this silly mistake.
  27. Thanks Fortapache I thought that too but did not want to say it.
  28. Thank you very much Gracay but that would kill the thrill of the hunt for me. I look for old and unusual, try not to pay more than a dollar a pair if possible. I look for them to have or had cork stop...
  29. Darn and you didnt get it for me? Well thanks for thinking of me tho. RIPLY I felt pretty good hearing that.
  30. I do believe this is a Pottery Yellow Ware Mixing Blue Band Vintage Serving Bowl .
  31. Almost as Beautiful as you.
  32. Thanks again Sean
  33. Thanks Jewels & Sean
  34. Thank to all of you for looking Sean. Rip & Virginia and all who stop by later. Rip I went there and backed out, lol
  35. I asked on Ebay about this item: Dear Bigsarge, It is made in Russia. As for the company we do not know. Our buyer in Moscow buys them at the market. Regards, - mkintl
  36. Thanks Gracay2004
  37. Thanks as always TallCakes and everyone else.
  38. Thanks for looking Virginia and everyone else.
  39. Thanks vintagefran only problem is it has not been dated and identified.
  40. Everything I have found points to Russian.
  41. Sunnybrook I tried googling it with no luck. I really wsnt to know now so I will keep trying.
  42. Avon? Thanks IMASapp I am surprised.
  43. wksgibson, using your link of the catalogs My best guess is these date 1967 -1965 Not sure of the color I looked at the color chart didn't see Amberina did see Amber. I also found that many other comp...
  44. musikchoo, I have about 9 of these I recorded in Germany 1979 - 1981. I no longer have a Reel to Reel sooo why would I want to hold on to them??
  45. Yes sir, I googled it and it came to 640 square miles.
  46. Thanks Weirdpuckett & SEAN68, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!" That's pretty much what's being said about me, You must have heard it. lol
  47. Oh I am sorry, I am in Houston. You found the bottle in North Houston you say lol. You know we cover over 600 miles.
  48. musikchoo, are you in Houston?? I like that bottle.
  49. Weirdpuckett, How can I date this piece, see it was offered more than once, any Idea. listen to me say PIECE, I am starting to sound like you guys "Real and Serious Collectors."
  51. See more


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