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vintage coca cola refrigerator

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (10 items)

    we just purchased a summer home and have found so much stuff in the basement, including this item, my husband says it's worthless but I would love to prove him wrong

    Coke Coolers
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    Premium Danbury Mint Coca Cola Cooler Chest Diecast 1/24 Scale G Diorama Item
    Premium Danbury Mint Coca Cola Cool...
    Vintage 1939 Coca Cola Cooler SALESMAN SAMPLE Beautiful W/ Inserts Coke Bottles
    Vintage 1939 Coca Cola Cooler SALES...
    RARE Restored Vintage Coca Cola Coke Soda Salesman Sample Pop Cooler
    RARE Restored Vintage Coca Cola Cok...
    1939 Coca-Cola Salesman Sample Cooler Original
    1939 Coca-Cola Salesman Sample Cool...
    Premium Danbury Mint Coca Cola Cooler Chest Diecast 1/24 Scale G Diorama Item
    Premium Danbury Mint Coca Cola Cool...
    See all


    1. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Now Now Ray, I may be closer to Pamara! It would be quicker for me to pick it up! LOL Dave
    2. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Coca Cold Kid will be on, he can tell you everything about Coke! Dave
    3. SSmoothie, 14 years ago
      Mine like that are not worthless when I can get $3-400 out of them in that shape. When the cooler motor works I can get more.
    4. SSmoothie, 14 years ago
      Awe, cap catcher and bottle are gone drop it a hundred or so.
    5. cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      Nice attempt ray, i probably would've done the same thing. :) But this is a 1939 cooler??? Or maybe early 40's. would help if you find the model tag and tell us the manufactorer, other then that, I can't tell you anything more. But this thing is worth 100 bucks to me. and drop hundred just because cap catcher and opener is missing? I saw a coke cap catcher at a antque mall for 20 bucks, and you can find a little ole rusty starr opener for 5-10 bucks.
    6. SSmoothie, 14 years ago
      Here is your machine.

      CCK original Cap catchers are hard to find for these. They made alot of wall hanging type that might be go for about $20 but the cooler ones with no rust are worth alittle more.
    7. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      OK ssmoothie, maybe i should buy the cap catcher.
    8. pamara, 14 years ago
      Sorry, I have no Idea. I only posted my things to see if they had any value, try one of the collecters links above.
    9. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      pamara: you have control to delete sales people, that's not what we are all about..........
    10. floyd ross, 14 years ago
      hi folks,
      just picked one up just like this one.trying to understand cooling system?
      is there discription on how they run? the compressor works gets somewhat cool to 42
      degrees. but turns on an off alot. all i can say is thanks for the help
    11. SSmoothie, 14 years ago
      May need a new t-stat. Subscribe here
    12. houch84 houch84, 13 years ago
      nice find, like the embossed coke sign on the inner doors. I have a simular chest without the cooling unit. I guess these guys proved your hubby wrong.

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