Posted 11 years ago
(559 items)
I am happy to say I am pretty sure this is Murano - it has a sticker! Whew!
Another reddish orange vase, cased in clear. Unusually for Murano, this vase is not really red, but almost a deep orange glass that really oranges up (yep, good grammar there) as it is pulled to the neck. Big lump of clear glass on the base for stability (and style of course).
Such a classic shape.
I'll leave it with your Murano experts to think about who may have designed it!
Height 25cm (10in)
Nice ! OK..I've seen these minus the label. Filing this info for future reference to buy them now.
Beautiful, and Stunning!! .... And NO expert here but Is this your label here:
If so, that label was found on a Murnao Cenedese Piece from what I found on the Net.
Can't sleep is 3:30 a.m. here
Lovely, and a label!! Bonus! :)
It is Cenedese.
now mine has been verified!!
yours is beautiful!!
Karen yours is beautiful!!
Thanks for the ID guys, and all the loving comments!
is this cenedese , this is generic , a stem bud, still nice
OK, thanks for the info Apostata