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Piper Cub ~ “Oh why so blue????”

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Model Airplanes193 of 2511945 - "Model Airplane News" Magazine (July)Unidentified airplane engine
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (30 items)

    Ok~ What do you know about this, Collector friends. I was at a living estate sale and the Gentleman who owned this sweet little number was the same man that assembled it, umpteen years ago. He worked at our local community college as a Professor. He mentioned to me that it hung in his office for years. He did have an engine in it, but only drove it around on the ground. It has a six foot wing span. It is AMAZING. He gifted me so many fantastic things at this sale ~ that I am still speechless~ well almost. The one thing I missed in the wonder of this occasion was the year this Piper Cub was created. He said it was one of the first made.

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    1. aghcollect aghcollect, 11 years ago
      Piper Cub J-3 (Kit# RC-3) made by SIG Manufacturing, Montezuma, Iowa
      The kit is shown in my 1973 SIG Catalog - 71" wingspan
    2. midcentmod midcentmod, 11 years ago
      Basically——- you are my hero! Thank you!
    3. aghcollect aghcollect, 11 years ago
      If you want a scan of the page ad - just send an email to me. My email is shown at the top of my posting board.
    4. midcentmod midcentmod, 11 years ago
      Gotcha - Thank you!

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