Posted 11 years ago
(5053 items)
Ex libris A. Koltchak, Paris, 1900: Dictionaire, Encyclopedique et Biographique de L'Industrie et Des Arts Industriels.
I picked up this 8 volume encyclopedia yesterday. It was printed from 1880-86 in Paris and appears to be in near new condition! it's incredibly interesting and loaded w/ thousands of beautiful graphics of every type of technology and science i can think of. It must have been very expensive in it's day. I'll post some more photos from it later, because so many of them are so fascinating. Nothing has ever made me recall my french like this set of books has done in such a short time!
it's not really a dictionary, but it is an encyclopedia of industrial arts from the beaux arts period.
i didn't realize i had already included a photo of the shoes. there are literally thousands and thousands of images of cool items in these books!
Love old reference books like these.
Looking forward to seeing more!
thanks toracat!
Admiral Koltchak was executed by the Bolsheviks in 1920. The russian blockbuster 2008 movie 'The Admiral' is his story.
to see more images from these encyclopedia, go here: