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The Royalist's Daughter

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History Books67 of 1781901 - "Natural Advanced Geography" Schoolbook1897 - School History of the United States
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (96 items)

    The book is titled "The Royalist's Daughter and The Rebels". I cant seem to find a date.

    Thanks for any help

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    1. aghcollect aghcollect, 11 years ago
      When researching books you need to put the full title (I assume this is "The Royalist's Daughter and The Rebels"), the author, and the publisher's name and publishing date (usually found on the title page). There should also be a "copyright" page. Many of these early books were extensively reprinted by different publishers and as parts of "series".
    2. mike101, 11 years ago
      I just added more photos but cant find a date other then 1860 on the front pages....could this book be that old.
    3. aghcollect aghcollect, 11 years ago
      The author, Rev. David Murdoch, died in 1861 - there was no copyright on this book and it was published by several different publishers in 1865, John Potter Publishers being one of them. -- Here is a little history on the author; he was an Abolitionist, belonging to the Whig Party. He was involved with the Underground RR movement. He taught and was involved with a colored Sunday School, he states, that was even more unpopular than the Underground RR, especially with the churches. Rev Murdoch was voted out of the First Presbyterian Church in Elmira, NY by the Presbytery for his views on slavery, which he often preached from the Pulpit.
    4. mike101, 11 years ago
      Wold this book have any value? should it be protected?
    5. aghcollect aghcollect, 11 years ago
      The book is in the public domain and is reprinted at will. You will see many later printings on ebay- There are however, collectors that prefer to have the original old printings, especially with such a finely designed cover.
    6. mike101, 11 years ago
      Thank you for all your help.

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