Posted 11 years ago
(1232 items)
I decided to drive all the way out to one of the Cleveland GW's which I generally do once a month. That's about as far as I go since it's a 30 mile drive. This 12 " beauty was sitting on the window sill. I thought it was really nice with the unusual curve to the body and the little branch like protrusions. The color is a vibrant blue with white casing inside. Now I know better than to say this is one thing or another but I'm hoping it not Chinese. The bottom has a polished concave pontil so I'm hoping at least Murano but I'm sure I'll find out eventually. -Mike-
Love this vase!
Thank you Lee :)
Murano would be my guess id...I don't think it's one of the Czech or Bohemian factories but I just don't know. Have to see if any of our Czech glass CW members would know. This one is 12" tall which I forgot to put in my post. The bottom pontil is my hope that it's a quality hand made piece.
I think it is Chinese. But so what? If you like it then that is what matters.
Well I thought Japanese Mike then I saw the base and think Chinese too.
That blue is a bit of a giveaway to me too.
Everyone thinks the Chinese only started making glass recently but they have been making and exporting this sort of vase since about the 70s, so it could well be vintage.
And like Japanese glass, it is often misnamed as Murano.
You're right Karen. If their porcelain is highly prized why not their glass. Quality is quality. China and Japan have always been synonymous with "the cheap copy" stigma but they are still skilled craftsman.
Thanks Lisa I sort of figured that it was Chinese. I went to the flea market today and saw a large baluster type cloisonne vase. It was about 10" tall with peonies but the background was kind of a lumpy rusty brown. You could see the cloud patterns but it was far from smooth like the flowers. It had a plain turquoise bottom with no mark. The guy wanted twenty dollars for it and said it was very old and it looked like it to me as well. I thought it was too much and passed. Hope I didn't make a mistake. I doubt anyone would buy it so maybe next weekend. If he shows up. Sometimes the venders you see don't show up every Saturday.
OK now I'm having regrets Lisa. Patina galore ! Ah well C'est la vie. Was the vase real mercury ore cinnabar or the lacquer type ?? I never knew that real cinnabar was mercury ore and outlawed because it was highly poisonous (mercury..duh you think? lol) The lacquer is more commonly considered cinnabar now too from what I read online. Sounds very pretty. I bet you are thrilled.