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Early 1900's Swirled & Pinched Red DUGAN GLASS VASE

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smiata's loves1973 of 3812Rare Loetz Orientalism Vase, PN I-3282, Makart decor IV/103, ca. 1892Blue with White Cased Glass JIP Vase / Curved Tree Trunk Body / Unknown Maker and Age
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (436 items)

    I looked-up a few examples in many colors of DUGAN Glass uploaded in CW and although most of them were pinched only, I feel that this too could be by DUGAN even though it is twisted & pinched. I saw a page from a 1908 Butler Brothers Catalog that shows this vase and they called it from Dugan's Venetian Assortment. When I first saw it, I thought it looked a lot like the Findlay ONYX wares with it's rich iridescence. This one measures 6 3/4" by 5" across. The first photo is with a Flash. Any comments? RER(BOB)

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    1. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thank you czechman, vetraio50, sklo42, mikelv85, colori and Slave-to-glass for the loves. RER(BOB)
    2. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thanks Moonstonelover21, MacArt and smiata for the loves, BOB
    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thanks blunderbuss2, antiquerose, dassulywon and catteann for the loves, BOB
    4. IVAN49 IVAN49, 8 years ago
      It`s Dugan and not very common. Pinched and twisted.
    5. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 8 years ago
      Thank you IVAN49 and bracken3 for the loves! RER
    6. cameoboy cameoboy, 6 years ago
      Check my article on Dugan and Czech glass

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