Posted 11 years ago
(349 items)
And now for something completely different from my early wood and brass cameras; a novelty camera made by Ansco for the Bear Photo Company. I bought this camera for my wife years ago because she collects antique bear related items.
The Bear Photo Special is a simple metal box camera, based on the Ansco Cadet B2, that makes 6 x 9 cm images on roll film. The artsy etched metal front has an outline of a walking bear in front of a deco style sunburst. It also has a nice brass colored badge in the shape of a walking bear with “Bear Photo Service.”
Very nice!
What year?
Thanks, blunderbuss2!
Thanks, David ... regarding the camera’s date all I can do is guess. I haven't found any original camera advertising or specific references pinning down the actual date. There are a couple sites on the Internet that say 1928 - 1930, but what I see is a camera body that looks to be based on a special version of a later Ansco Cadet model.
Searches do uncover numerous dated images and ephemera that include the term “Bear Photo Services” matching the badge appearing on the camera. These seem to range from 1931 to 1940. As far as “Bear Photo Company,” the company appears to have been around well into the 1900s.
Thanks for the reply!
Thanks, aghcollect!
Thanks, vetraio50!
so love this camera Rob!!!
Thanks, kerry10456!
Thanks, tom61375!
Thanks, sugargirl!
Thanks, Eric!
Thanks, Bootson!
Thanks, antiquerose!
Thanks, austrohungaro!
Thanks, Sean!
Thanks, Edisonfan!
Thanks, Ben!
Thanks, f64imager!
Thanks, Michael!
Thanks, undreal!
Thanks, fortapache!
Thanks, AmberRose!
Thanks, mcheconi!
Thanks, toolate2!
Thanks, Manikin!
Thanks, sanhardin and sugargirl!
Very nice Rob. I need to ass one of these to my collection.
Might want to check your spelling there, Derek! Haha
Hahahah!!!! Whoops my bad. Meant to say add. Thanks John.
Found one of these at an industrial estate sale today, and interestingly, the Bear badge is mounted on the top, instead of on the side (between the viewfinder and strap handle). Also, the imagery on front is in gold, instead of silver. Nice fully working and complete camera and a great keeper.
Hi SDCameraFan ... it's great that you found one of these cameras. I've seen the version you have and I do not know why the Bear badge shows up in different places. Original cardboard boxes, if you can find one, are terrific. Post your camera! Thanks. - Rob
When creating a new post, there is a section that allows you to upload pictures. This site accepts JPG, PNG, and GIF formats. Make sure the file name has no spaces and the proper image type is in the extension. Here is a URL about pictures:
I need one of these. LOL.
Thanks, CWfriends and SpiritBear! (And yes, SB, you do need one of these.)
Just did! Check the show and tell section.
Thanks, ho2cultcha!
Thanks, pops52!