Posted 11 years ago
(765 items)
This is one of the saddest days of my glass on a whim. I thought to retake one of my treasures of my Loetz collection. My one and only JIP....I loved the lines and shape. Pure elegance.....and now I broke 100 year old vase for wanting to retake pictures of this vase for pleasure.
I learned a powerful lesson. Very powerful.....and thanks to a wonderful friend and mentor. He told get myself together and clean up the glass ASAP. That there will be others to come......still crying.....and grateful for good friends.
Thank know who you are..thank you!
Wow. So sorry!
cogito, thanks...I know I am not the only one to experience this..but....still hard to take. I am grateful for every having one .... :)
Oh Lee, I am so sorry. What a sad thing to have happen. I think it must happen to us all at one point, and I hope you find another vase to make you happy.
...and I am not loving this post, okay?
Michelle, OK, just this once...I wont expect it...XOXO my friend
Sometimes the things in life that are most fragile are also the things most precious. To have and hold and then to loose a work of art is something that touches all of our hearts. We lament with you this passing beauty. To the maker then we tip our hats and with a wistful sigh hold tight to dreams of future beauty yet to be held.
Awe, breaks the heart. =^(
Such a feeling of loss. So sorry. Maybe you will run into another, similar, but different in a better way. Get the pieces out of sight. You won't be so upset with yourself if the pieces are gone. They make us remember what we lost. You still have a gorgeous collection that most would envy. Xoxo
So sorry.
Feeling bad for you :-( That is why I am afraid to collect glass but remember accidently dropping a doll at museum years ago that was worth over a 1000 k and my heart sank . A piece of history gone and had to go tell the boss! . I never forgot it , Hoping you'll find another that you will love as much and maybe more ! xo
Trunkman, wow you are ever the lover of kind words. You made me smile and I am grateful for them :)))))))
Sorry about that beautiful Nouveau vase.
I also know what it's like to break a beautiful piece that was a pride and joy of mine. I was moving and bumped a table with a hand carved antique snipe decoy on it. It fell to the floor and broke it's thin delicate beak in half. I still have it and some day when I get the courage I will try to repair it.
Tom, thank you :(
moonstonelover I feel for you. Have done similar many times in my life. My most
recent was the purchase of a gemstone via the mail which I stupidly unwrapped
in the bathroom where the floor are hard, cold tiles. Opened the box, took the paper out with the gemstone in it and unrolled it and the stone rolled right out
and dropped four feet and shattered on the floor. Lesson learned. I see it like that by doing this I have probably saved myself from breaking many more things in the future which I will now not break because I will be more careful. Look for the silver lining ALWAYS. It is there (somewhere).