Posted 11 years ago
(938 items)
We started collecting signs and pumps about 45 yrs ago but got serious last Sept and amassed a huge collection we keep at aaaLakeside Storage in Provo Ut. It is FREE for anyone to visit and take all the pix you want.
You can look us up and see the pix at and go to the Blog section for the pix.
Its soooo easy for an old guy to mess up anything on a computer! Just look at 3 of 4 pix being posted upside down? How did that happen? Just lucky once more!
Where in Australia is this? LoL
Love It!!
(above)........that says *LOVE* upside down and sideways too....
LOL = 7o7 upsides down
Thx for the love it. We have over twice the collection we had when u loved this pix! Is that OCD you ask? Hmmmmm?
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it. We never anticipated becoming the largest Pole Sign Collectors in the World when we started, but here we are!
Amazing is an understatement! ????
Actually since the time these pix were taken the collection has grown many times over and now boasts the largest collection of big gas/oil signs on poles in the World. Over 230 big signs on poles as original. Yes it’s amazing. You have to be a little nuts to do this. :):)