Posted 11 years ago
(1467 items)
Chinese or Japanese? Maybe Chinese?? It appears to have like enamel pics, and some gold gilt on it. About 6 inches high, and wide with the scalloped edges. I DO NOT know what it says on the bottom....
I am also aware that Meissen and Worcester used Pseudo (fake looking) mark's similar to chinese symbols, and as did Samson. That is NOT a BAD thing as SOME OF THE BEST PORCELAIN and pottery factories used Chinese looking symbols. It was all the trend of the time.
Someone said once to me that one of the words on the bottom was *Zhongguo* and also *Made in* but I do NOT know. I had this a number of years and still know nothing much about it.
I know someone will say to go to:
...but that does not help me as I am not sure which way the mark goes first of all.....Plus when I go to that site - Well everything looks the same to me. Its all Chinese, and I can not find//get any further.
Can Anyone read this, or know anything about this? Old or not?? Rice bowl or what??
Help......and Thanks too
***A BIG THANK YOU TO MIKELV85 for quickly solving this mystery for me! Thank you ever so Much!!
Digging around here....I think I found another piece with the same mark on it. As least it looks the same mark to me. It is advertised there as:
""Chinese Export Porcelain Famille Rose Medallion Pedestal Footed Bowl RARE MARKED"" and says a date of (??) 1850-1899 there. I have NO idea if they know their stuff or not -- they do have a 100% Positive Feedback - If that means anything.....that they DO know their stuff.
( See below for link )
So not sure if that is valid ID or not ????
It's Chinese and beautiful Rose :)..... but I think this is more likely it. I took a look at Gotheborg's site. I'm used to looking at all those Your bottom picture is the correct orientation. It's a variation of this mark:
Zhongguo Zhi Zao, China Made (Right to left)
This four character mark means plain and simple, Made in China, written in Chinese. In these marks the characters are written in the traditional old fashioned way meaning from top to bottom, from right to left. This is the traditional way of writing despite that the name of China has been chosen for the mark which suggests to me a period for this mark, to between the establishing of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949 and the Cultural Revolution in 1965-70.
The Ebay piece is nice but it's not as old as they say. Here's a piece closer to your's from Gotheborg's site. Rose Medallion is the right category though. There's also pieces that look like Satsuma that carry this mark. Real Satsuma is always Japanese and the Chinese copied it quite well.
Thanks mikelv85 -- Wow, you can read that stuff? Looks like a bunch of lines to me...LOL. So what age would this be? I have no idea what it said - I was just looking through page, after page, after page......for the same mark. Whew, I was getting cross-eyed!!
I must have bought this 10 years ago and never did know what it said, or anything and here you have solved it. Bring the man a Beer!!!
@mikelv85 -- Marked Solved, and posted a Big Thank you (at the very top commentary) for solving this so fast.
Thanks a zillion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're welcome Rose :).... it's not so much that I can read them but I've looked at them enough to recognize some of the characters and it helps me track them down easier. Your piece dates from between the Peoples Republic of China in 1949 and the Cultural Revolution in 1965-70. -Mike-
I used to play import RPG video games and bought a Japanese/English dictionary thinking I could translate the text. The only thing I remember is that the square with the line through it meant "middle" in Japanese which makes sense to me. I've seen it as a starting character in "made in China" pieces with the characters written above the English. This was written in a traditional four character mark which looks more important than seeing "Made in China"
It's awful how you guys who can't read Chinese, have seen the characters enough to remember and recognise them. Chinese charaters are pictorial. To mike's point about the square with the line through, it does mean "middle" also in Chinese. China was/is known as the Middle Kingdom, hence the literal translate is "zhong" (middle) "guo" (country) which is the 2 characters on the right side reading from top to bottom.
Oops I meant awesome not awful. I blame my walking pneumonia sorry.
People in this community are awesome, very helpful and willing to share. I enjoy this forum very much.
seems an excellent job us usual from mikelven 85., it looks easy actually its quite difficult , because could we extrapolate Zhongguo Zhi Zao to the 3 quarter of the century, so we have to shut out the horizontalZhongguo Zhi Zao and the special order Zhongguo Zhi Zao marks