Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
Not sure who it's by but was bought late 60's early 70's south England around Poole area? Rough in texture ( almost feels like cement) with smooth blue glass inserts. It's about 40cm tall by 30 cm wide and quite heavy.
That's fantastic.
Literally wonderful.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so very much for your comment...but would love to know if anyone knows where it came from?
Its a great talking point !! Is the blue enamel ??? Or definatly glass ?? Are there any marks on it at all ?? At first I thought it may be a troika piece but am thinking maybe a one off studio piece !! IvE
Seen troika with blue bits but am no expert at all , and live in sw
no marks on the back? Looks like a mid-century ceramic sculpture to me...possibly from scandinavia.
I have to agree with Hunter !! it does have that Scaninavia look and maybe even Finnish and Danish!!
Thank you ... the blue is cracked glass, it doesn't have any marks on it. I'll dig deeper but agree with Hunter it does have a Scandinavia look! I have another piece quite different but the same blue cracked glass... i"m pretty sure i bought from the Poole shop early 70's but again it's not marked.
I'm on board with Scandinavian. Lovely
It's wonderful!