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Poschinger Iridescent blue vase with silver overlay, c. 1910

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Bohemian Art Glass4685 of 6681Moser Moss-Green Vase gilt Amazon Warriors signed c. 1925Fairy Lamp - Clarke's "Zebra" design
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (649 items)

    These pieces show the versatility of the Poschinger glassworks, perhaps best known for their spectacular "phänomen" type art nouveau pieces, or the stylized floral opaque enamels in bright colors on dark amethyst grounds. The blue vase with silver overlay (sadly, missing a small portion) is in the same shape as a piece I posted a while back that is decorated by deep carving of a stylized floral design. (see last photo)
    No matter the technique, quality is always the hallmark of glass made and decorated by Poschinger.

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    1. cogito cogito, 11 years ago
      Ha! I was wondering who was my competition! Nice blue color and form.
    2. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago
      Very nice
    3. inky inky, 11 years ago

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