Posted 11 years ago
(950 items)
This Utah Oil Refining Company is one of only three known to exist in Utah and aaaLakeside Storage in Provo has two of them. The company started in 1909 and brought in oil from Colorado which it refined to make gas and oil. Early on the Oil products were sold under the Brand name of VICO and the Gas was Pep 88 Brand. Later it was bought out and became UTOCO and when Standard bought out the remaining stocks it became Standard. This sign is about 22" high and 20' long so it takes a big space to display it. As you can see the big signs sort of disappear on the huge buildings where they are displayed along with many other examples of early Gas and Oil Companies. All are invited to come and see the cool memorabilia of Petrolania at aaaLakeside Storage in Provo.
We actually have another half of one of these Utah Oil Refining Company signs which will make a third sign if we can find the last half.