Posted 11 years ago
(471 items)
This is a 9" wide green majolica leaf plate , im unsure where or when it was made or who by ?? I think its late 19c early 20c hand made and in very good condition , the rim around the edge of the leaves looks like sponge painted .. this was another tip find for £1. Im getting a little collection of these !! Theyre all different !!
The bottom is marked it has the no. "11" ???
ENGLISH or FRENCH I would'v thought .. any ideas welcome:-)
Thanx for your loves catteann, mikelv85 & aghcollect :-)))
Really like this - they look like cabbage leaves I think!
Thanx vetraio50 & racer4four for your loves, yes racer the leaves do look a bit like cabbage leaves :-)
Thanks dclee & geo26e for your loves ;-)))