Posted 11 years ago
(389 items)
Here is another hot air fan made by the same company as the previous hot air fan that I posted several months ago. This is the floor model and unlike the other fan (model"C"),which runs on alcohol, this model "B" runs on a kerosene lamp mounted in the base. I use lamp oil instead of kerosene because, unlike kerosene, it has no oder when burning.
It runs very quietly on a Stirling Cycle Engine, often called a hot air engine.
Their popularity never really took off because they came out about the time Thomas Edison dabbled with electricity and marketed electric fans. Which type of fan would you have bought, one that you plug in and threw a switch, or one that you had an open flame burning a smelly kerosene?
The brass blades are 16" in diameter and it stands about 40" tall.
Fantastic fan - thanks for the history too!
Really like! Problem is, you get the cooling air but it takes heat to produce it.
thanks racer4four for the responce...... hotairfan
thanks blunderbuss2 for the responce. You really would be suprised as to how little heat it takes to operate. I believe this is because the the heated air in the stirling engine never leaves the engine. It is always recirculated between the hotside and the cold side of the displacer cylinder which creates a pressure and a vacuum situation on the power piston............ hotairfan
A hot air fan is on my list. May take a while. Note that electric fan motors produce heat too, sometimes quite a bit.
Atta boy fortapache...... They're out there, you just have to keep looking.
May i know the cost
Thanks for sharing!!! I have never seen a hot air fan before, Lou
Cabin Fever Model Show and Auction was this weekend in Lebanon, Pa. I have been going to this show and auction for the last 24 years. They have a great variety of model gasoline, steam, and hot air (stirling) models at the show and also at the auction. They come from all over the USA and Canada to purchase sale items and attend the model show.
A couple who looked at my display came from Japan.
Anyway, getting back to your question, They had two "Lake Breeze" hot air fans that I saw sold. One was a model "B" floor model, like the fan shown above, and the other was a model "C" which is a table model ( I posted that fan some time ago).
The model "C" sold for $2300 and the model "B" (like the one above) sold for $2800.
They are quite salty in their price, but, I never saw them go down in value, only up. So, You can invest in one for a later profit, and you can also have some fun with it simultaneously while you own it. Of course, you might have a hard time convincing your wife of that scenario.