Posted 11 years ago
(25 items)
This is so pretty the pictures don't do it justice.
Its 4" tall and 2" wide.
The body is made of the mother of pearl part of a shell. I think. Its been carved open in the front.
There is a intricate floral design in silver on the top and bottom tip.
The top has a silver lid with Mother of pearl inlay that that pops open.
There are 2 loops like for a chain.
That is the extent to my knowledge of this object. I'm thinking its to carry perfumed items, on a chatelaine, but I could be completely wrong.
Any knowledge about this would be appreciated.
I've recently purchased an item just like this one. If anyone knows what it is, I'd be interested to know.
Here's a google image search that might help Parrotbeak:
As a Bottle, they held Perfume, on a Chatelaine, but the one here with the carved venting would hold a Vinaigrette, or Potpourri, as a fragrance, that a Lady could smell if there was an unpleasant stench in the air! I hope this helps! :^)
Hey keramikos, thanks! I managed to get in here with the information before you for once! :^D I'm always grateful, for the tidbits, and great information that you bring to CW! You're so generous with your time to help so many. You're one of the reaons, that CW works, to get the information about what we Collect! Rock on, keramikos! :^)
@billretirecoll & keramikos: Thank you very much for the information! I didn't imagine it to be that old. Vintage, sure, but I'm surprised it's antique.
I was hoping to take a few more photos for upload today, and if I have time I'll be sure to include my vinaigrette.