Posted 11 years ago
(4 items)
This is my Mom and her Wedding Ring quilt,,she is pictured at a senior citizen's center where she taught sewing and crafts,,this was before she lost her vision,,even after that she could sew remarkably well,,,,
Nice photo - I'm sure it's precious to you.
She looks like she could dew a mean quilt!
Sorry, I meant sew! Gggrrrrr. Autocorrect!
lol,,it's ok, racer4four, autocorrect is lazy sometimes,,this pic is precious as it shows Mom doing what she loved best,,
valentino97 ,, thnx for ur sweet comment,,I , too, would get bored with sewing,, I believe it's because I didn't have the patience,, or "time" ,, what all quilters or anyone who sews, knows it takes a lot of to do,,