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Antique Punched Tin Service Station Sign

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Gas, Oil, and Service Signs989 of 1663Personal Inspection: PA Offical Inspection Station  Signporcelain oil sign
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1 item)

    "Service Station. Gould Storage Battery with Dreadnaught Plates"
    36 in. W x 24 in. H x 6 in. D, Approx 25 lbs.

    Two-sided hand painted punched tin sign. Illuminated by 4 ordinary incandescent light bulbs that are accessed through doors in the bottom of the sign. It produces a warm cozy glow in a dark room. "Underwriters Laboratories Inc. inspected, electric sign lamps no. 29247" embossed on tin plate affixed to bottom. Judging by the two holes in the top of the sign, it hung from a bracket. It was bought 30 years ago from an eccentric antiques dealer in NJ who was more a hoarder than a dealer. I found out a lot about the Gould battery company, now defunct—it was a major company in the first half of the last century. Riply206 kindly volunteered some detective work and deduced that this lighted sign was likely made in limited numbers in 1930 (see below).

    I can't find any information about this particular sign or this type of sign. I haven't been able to find anything like it online. Can anyone direct me to a place where I get information on this sign and a rough estimate of its value?

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    1. Brock521, 11 years ago
      Thanks, Riply206. There's a lot of info online about Gould. I'm hoping someone can steer me to where I can find out about this type of sign.
    2. Brock521, 11 years ago
      Thanks Riply206. You're right, I believe your deduction based on Gould's history is likely true. And of course part of the fun is doing the detective work. I attempted to track down the sign's UL # to no avail. I guess I was hoping for a quick fix. In addition to its history I'm trying to get an idea of its value to collectors short of taking it to the Antiques Road Show.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      Great looking sign.

      fifties is telling you, in a nice way, that this site is not for selling.

      Depending on when and where you purchased it, it could be worth much more than you paid.

      Dealers must buy low, but most collectors like to buy low as well!

      Sorry, I cannot help you out with value as advertising is not my focus.

    4. Rustfarm Rustfarm, 10 years ago
      Try The American Sign Museum in Cincinnati , Ohio for information on this type of sign . AND CAN WE STOP THE BUY/SELL NONSENSE HERE ON THIS GREAT SITE?
    5. dr.neon, 10 years ago
      Think rustfarmguy has some problem! The buy/sale comment none of his business. The above individual ask an estimate of the sign's value and I gave him my opinion. I see on his own site Rust gives his email address and someone mentions he would like to own the a piece shown by Rust . Why list your email address??????

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