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Rare Antique Barbed Wire

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gotwire's items79 of 79Misc. Railroad Date NailsYavapai Apache or Navajo /Ute feast basket.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (79 items)

    Hart/McGlin Five Point Sheet Metal Star on Three Lines. 1876

    Olsen Six Point Star on Single Line. 1881

    Wire and Nails
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    1. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      gotwire, have you ever been to the "Barbed Wire Capital of the World" in LaCrosse, KS. They have quite a display of barbed wire. I use to go to LaCrosse many years ago when we held our telephone show there.
    2. gotwire gotwire, 14 years ago
      Hi ttomtucker, I've been to LaCrosse several times, for the wire show and Symposium. Our museum in TX is bigger although they have more wire. There's a couple of telephone related collectors that still come to the wire shows. Our next show is a few weeks in Elk City, OK.
    3. barbedwireguy barbedwireguy, 14 years ago
      gotwire, a couple of great wires!! The Olsen is on my "hitlist". Someday...
      Thanks for sharing.
    4. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Love it.
    5. gotwire gotwire, 14 years ago
      Thanks Barbedwireguy and DMK678. I had a great time trading for them.
    6. Tony, 13 years ago
      I live in Texas and have a some barbed wire that's been on our farm for as long as I can remember. A contractor was over at my house and saw it and said to me "Do want to sell that wire"? I asked him what do you want that old wire for and he said to me "you don't know what you got do you" ? Then he told me it's very old and rare, so I said Not For Sale.
      Here's my problem, I haven't been able to find a website to look up and see wher and when it was made. Any help ?
    7. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      Tony, the best way is to post a pic of yours and ask your question.
    8. gotwire gotwire, 13 years ago
      Tony, post or send me a picture of your wire.

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