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Gregory Duncan Gold Leaf & Purple Thistle Barware Glasses

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (9 items)

    Gregory Duncan designed glass for West Virginia Glass, I believe in the 1940s and 50s.

    I have not been very successful in finding out much about this artist as of yet, but I just started researching him.

    These are beautifully derived and extremely unique. The Gold leaf is extremely thick, unusually shiny like Gold compared to similar items I collect and the Purple thistle head has a wonderful density to it as well.

    If anyone has further info on these beautiful drinking tumblers, please let me know. I will post more about them the more I learn about them

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    1. AmberRose AmberRose, 10 years ago
      I have a weakness for 50s bar ware. It rocks on the rocks!
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      vodka on the rocks for Amber darling!!
    3. kathleen.carter1, 5 years ago
      Greg Duncan is my cousin. He lives in Sonoma CA. He was born in 1949 in Ross, CA. He is still designing and painting. Most of us in the family have - or have had a set or two of his Thistle glasses.
    4. alyssa_bowerman, 4 years ago
      @kathleen.carter1 That is awesome he is your cousin! I recently purchased a set of wine glasses and decanter on eBay to add to my collection of low balls, high balls, and ice bucket. Our family is of Scottish descent and our grandparents started with the set of low balls and we have been obsessed with acquiring pieces for years. Unfortunately, I am questioning the authenticity of the wine glass and decanter... They are missing the Gregory Duncan mark. It did not even occur to me that there could be fakes out there. And the wine glass are so rare, I have nothing to compare them to. Do you have access to a picture of what the wine glass/decanter should look like? Or could Greg confirm his name should appear on all legitimate glassware with the pattern? Thank you!
    5. Celiene Celiene, 4 years ago
      So if he was born in 1949 - what era are these glasses? Did he start designing young? I love these!
    6. Celiene Celiene, 4 years ago
      Here's his shop:
    7. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 2 years ago
      There is a set of these on Etsy right now. One of the pieces has a West Virginia Glass sticker on it.
    8. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 2 years ago
      The Museum of American Glass database says that Duncan's thistle decor was made between 1977 and 1984.
    9. kathleen.carter1, 2 years ago
      Alyssa_bowman I never saw wine glasses that he made bit that is not to say that he did not. I can ask him though if you like!
    10. alyssa_bowerman, 2 years ago
      @kathleen.carter1 That would be AMAZING if you could ask him. I’ve been trying to research and find out for years, including trying to contact him online and on Facebook. I just really want to know if they’re authentic. I paid a lot for them and would probably continue to be on the lookout for more but don’t want to buy more if they aren’t authentic.
    11. hana123 hana123, 8 months ago
      Hi everyone, I have the carafe and six glasses signed by Gregory Duncan, like those in the published photo.
      If anyone is interested, make me an offer, I'm in Italy

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