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Colgate Vaseline Glass Soap Dish

In Glassware > Vaseline Glass > Show & Tell and Glassware > Westmoreland Glass > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity10 of 136Westmoreland Glass camel covered dish Westmoreland Vaseline Glass Likely Summit Art Glass Measuring Cup 1985
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (3484 items)

    These were made by Westmoreland Glass somewhere between 1941 and 1981. That is based on net research so go figure. It goes with the Colgate Octagon soap. An all purpose lye soap I believe.
    Note that it looks like a washboard. Also available in clear or red, possibly other colors.
    Another Rose Bowl find.
    If it is green it is not Vaseline.
    If it is yellow one is a happy fellow.
    If it has that glow then you know.

    Vaseline Glass
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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Love it -- Cute Find !!!!
    2. racer4four racer4four, 11 years ago
      I'd like a haiku next post thanks.
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      washboard for TEETH?? ouch!
    4. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      It is 5" x 2.25".
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      this is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!
    6. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Thank you very much Antiquerose.
    7. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Thank you racer4four. A haiku it shall be.
    8. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Thank you very much ho2cultcha. Goes well with lye soap.
    9. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Thank you very much Weirdpuckett. Glad you enjoy it.
    10. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Thank you very much Sean. I rather like it myself.
    11. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Thank you
    12. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      Thank you petey
    13. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      Thank you tim.
    14. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Is there an echo..COOL cool
    15. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      Thank you very much Vintagefran
    16. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      Thank you DrFluffy.

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