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Wooden Covered Books from the Holy Land

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (16 items)

    Do these books have any value?
    They are wooden covered, possibly olive wood. Both are stamped JERUSALEM on the back. I'm guessing they were purchased from a missionary to support their mission. My Grandmother was very active in missin work, but I don't think she would have visited Jerusalem. They were probably later in her life, maybe 1950s or early 1960s.
    One book is a Bible, 4X6", the binding has deteriorated, but the pages are good. There is a split in the woodgrain on the back that has been mended with clear tape, long ago. The other book is 3X5" and has dried flower from Jerusalem. It's binding is shot as well and the pages are brittle.

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    1. J MArshall, 15 years ago
      I have a similar Holy Bible, wooden covered stamped Jerusalem, the one I have was owned by a RFA Naval Captain.
      I would be interested to know what feed back you get
    2. Ricardo Aleixo, 14 years ago
      Olive wood covered prayer books, hand missals, and bibles are among souvenirs people bring back from the Holy Land for their own personal use or as gifts for friends or family.

      These type of souvenirs are still sold in the Holy Land. As for value, it will depend on the actual book itself, but Bibles and prayers books are the most printed books in history and will have very little value. A brand new olive wood bound bible can be bought for about $50.
      for about $50

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