aeon » collections



SF Bay Area

I already capped at 2k on Likes. There's too much to like.


  1. Post final pics, please. :)
  2. Yeah, no problem. It's one of my very favorite items on here.
  3. I was about to say... I think *I'm* the clown sculpture but then I saw to what you're referring. I think it's the teak wine rack, oddly enough. It looks crazy from that perspective.
  4. Bean pot gets my vote.
  5. Campaign desk, love the style.
  6. I would also use the terms "petit point" to describe it.
  7. $5? That's insane. Who would do that? Who would let that go for $5? I'm just glad you got them before someone treated them horribly because they didn't know better. Great purchase.
  8. Thanks @Amber I've been trying to sort out "St. Pat's" hoping it would lead to more but it's all coming up Irish holidays no matter what terms I exclude.
  9. Thanks! That's exactly it. What an odd thing.
  10. Yes. Awesome. You guys are fast. Thanks!
  11. Stanhope?
  12. A candle box is the closest thing I've seen.
  13. Yeah, I should've put something in the photo for comparison. It's a foot long and about 2.5" in diameter at its widest.
  14. I wish I could afford to repair everything (EVERYTHING!) kintsugi-style. :D
  15. I broke a marble vase, yesterday. It was basically flawless and I chipped the edge right off. A month ago, I broke two of six of the glasses to the most delicate and lovely etched liqueur set. And ...
  16. He's so beautiful. I've never understood the post-mortem photograph but if for some reason (money, maybe) you hadn't gotten a picture of your child done yet, I can see why you'd want to be able to re...
  17. @Scott Of course you know that not guaranteeing an item that comes to them without provenance, from an artist that was commonly copied (among other things) is not the same as a complete dismissal and ...
  18. And to be fair to Christie's, they were being honest enough, albeit vague. I guess I would have preferred a response that indicated how unlikely it is that it's a Corot, something that might indicate...
  19. I recommended the free evaluation. I knew that the fine auction houses did that sort of thing, presumably in the event that someone may have inherited or purchased a special item inexpensively but wo...
  20. I can understand that. They should be more frank, though, as it'd be better to feel personally certain so that you could know what you wanted to do with it going forward. It's a nice copy, if nothin...
  21. Well, geez... how would they like to proceed? I mean, what's their authentication process? :(
  22. Coix lacryma-jobi, or Job's Tears. They're commonly found in rosaries.
  23. Wow. It's just beautiful. And what a great endeavor to salvage something that would have been otherwise destroyed.
  24. @sarahoff Thanks for posting that. I'm sure that's useful to a lot of us.
  25. 'Pre-Columbian' & 'South American' would be good search terms, but don't assume antiquity.
  26. @moonstone I had both already saved in my "Jewelry" collection. They're great. I like to see stones of the same type with color variation put together. Matched, but not matched.
  27. I would love a piece with several star sapphires together.
  28. The item on the left is similar to a Coptic cross that I own.
  29. Silverplated, likely from the 90s. Stores like The Bombay Company sold them.
  30. I don't think a bad omen can beat the thoughtfulness of choosing a ring to really fit you as a person. And I think the tension setting is an impressive innovation that will be highly regarded as year...
  31. Regarding auction-risk, I've only had a bad experience with people who don't take clear photos. As the years go on and technology makes for better tools, there'll be no reason or excuse for that.
  32. Re the Corot, several auction houses will review photos of an item via email. Given Corot's prominence, I'd start with the most well known like Sotheby's and Christie's.
  33. Who are these people with the blurry photos though? Especially the sellers who've been rated thousands of times and have likely sold twice that or more. It's 2013, not 2008, not that that was a fair...
  34. Brick mold? Rounded edges make it seem unlikely, but it does have the surface of something burned in a furnace.
  35. I have a bowl that's similar and which is also unmarked. Hazel Atlas had a pink elephant bar-ware pattern, but I'm not sure if the company ever made objects without their signature 'H' over 'A' impri...
  36. This is such an awesome thing to own.
  37. It looks very similar to oriental buttons, and sometimes they were turned into other types of jewelry, often brooches. "Satsuma button" might yield similar results in an image or eBay search.
  38. This is an old post but, just in case, you might try the terms 'South America', 'Peru', and 'Pre-Columbian' to narrow the field.
  39. Google Translate for language. I know that's Romulus and Remus at the bottom.
  40. I hope that you had a jeweler determine whether or not they were jade and that you still have them.
  41. Chinese seal paste box, containing the red ink for stamps.
  42. Seems to have a tramp/trench art thing going on. Buttons, beads, and what could be bullet shell casings?
  43. I'd love to know what happened with this Corot. I have a piece and yours appears authentic from what can be seen here.
  44. Natural materials carved to mimic the pikake flower are common to Hawaii, I think. Search 'carved pikake' and 'pikake lei' and you'll fine a shape similar to the beads used here, which are most likel...
  45. I suspect that instead of celluloid, it's bone. I have a couple of ivory spoons, both with carved flowers at the top, one with an edelweiss, that have a similar rigidity to the carving.
  46. *that* an attempt at a fake
  47. I neglected to realize that the last photo of yours was only a comparison, not another angle of your vase. Yeah, it seems more likely than an attempt at a fake would have gone so far as to have the f...
  48. I purchased a fake Roseville Montacello early this year and discovered how frequently a pattern of theirs would be mimicked, but with variations to the shape. It's my guess that's what's going on her...
  49. See more


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