Posted 10 years ago
(471 items)
Im not sure who would of had one of these ???
I was told possibly a foreign military sergeant or similar ..
its made with a black rattan handle, leather strap & a leather clad lead ball on the end !! 14" L
Obviously made to cause pain !!!
Who would have one of these ?????????
Found at a recycle centre quite a few years ago for £1. ;-))
Thanks mikelv85 for your love ;-))
This looks more like a cudgel or bludgeon, and not a military item like a swagger stick or baton might be. That there seems to be no markings makes me lean more away from formal military issue, and more towards civilian self-defense, prison guard or even police use in some less developed countries.
That’s just my impression
Thanks chrisnp for your ideas & views ill look into it !! Cheers sd;-)
Thanks aghcollect for your love :-))
Thanks chrisnp your info has lead me to find that this is whats known as a "cosh"an honoured part of shipboard lore- carried aboard by the boatswain and his mates and ashore by press gangs & sailors, it was a preferred method of defence to the knife. ?.no less deadly in skilled hands, but also useful in quieting up a boisterous shipmate or maintaining order when required .
some were made of cordage with a lead filled"star knot" at the were of harder materials or whale bone/baleen..
I copied this from the write up I found on cosh's & goes on to describe wooden handled ones with leather bound & stitched lead balls ..
thanks again chris for your info :-)
Thanks southcop for your love:-))
Thanks racer4four,
& vetraio50 for the loves ;-))
Thank you roycroftbooksfromme
& ho2culcha
For your loves :-)))
I had never seen one of these, so thanks for sharing it. Years ago, some bouncers in bars carried what was called a "blackjack", that was basically the same concept, with the lead inside leather. Yours looks to be in great shape!
Thanx Izenglish for the love & kind comments , ive never seen one before either and haven't seen another ever !! They were obviously made to cause damage or death , a nasty weapon really , i love it!! ;-)