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Symbol Carved Stone

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (55 items)

    Sorry for the photos, I had to use artificial light so they're not really good. Anyone recognizes this symbol? I would like to know its meaning :) Thanks :D

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. zeteibao zeteibao, 10 years ago
      Well, my fault.. I should have said that I'm portuguese :D hehe it does say "stone" :D !! Thanks :D
    2. zeteibao zeteibao, 10 years ago
      The mark says: PEDRA lua de SIGN (and something I can't read) and in the mid: Vila do Bispo (it's a small town on the north of Portugal) - also "lua de" means "moon of" :D
    3. zeteibao zeteibao, 10 years ago
      The curious part is the "SIGN" because its english, not portuguese... so.. it's all portuguese and "sign" in english :D hehe
    4. zeteibao zeteibao, 10 years ago
      Yes :D it's quite interesting! I'm curious as well :D maybe someone else can say something about this..let's us see :D
    5. zeteibao zeteibao, 10 years ago
      :D obrigado *

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