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Gallé vase, "paysage des Vosges".

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Recent Activity308 of 3274Art Nouveau PlanterLoetz Rusticana Vase W/ Applied Handles Max Emanuel & co. ca. 1900 PN II-260
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (436 items)

    Specially for Paris1925, but other CW friends can look ;-)

    From my Grand-Mother, I always lived with it, and LOVE it!

    35,5 cm high.

    Hope you will enjoy ;-)

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Merci! Mes grands-parents avaient des merveilles, les héritages ont dispersé plein de trésors, et j'ai dû en vendre d'autres (une majestueuse Antinea chryselephantine de Chiparus!).
      Phil, there is a real relief with multi layers of etched colored glass, plus the skill in the design give life to it!
      I'm very glad to own it and than you two high collectors love it :-))
    2. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Lovely, a real treasure from your grandmother!
    3. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Paris, my Antinea was same of pic 2 there:
      The only ceramics I have are Chinese or Vietnamese... Nothing in Art Nouveau area :)

      Thank you Jewels!
    4. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      The landscape is alive!! Love it so much!!!
    5. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Thank you for your kind comment, V.v :-)
    6. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      A pleasure kyra, thanks to you :)
    7. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      And thanks too walksoftly for your love!
    8. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      I so love this beautiful mystical vase. Love the scenery!
    9. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Just beautiful.....a lovely vase.
    10. toracat toracat, 10 years ago
      Pretty! Chiparus I think did my Bronze dancer?!
    11. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Don! Thanks for your visit! Your bronze dancer is inspired by but... Not old enough :-/
    12. toracat toracat, 10 years ago
      You may be right, I saw two articles about this and both talked about fingernails, of all things. On this the fingernails are very clear and perfect. I also contacted Clars Auction, affiliated with Antiques Roadshow, They want me to bring it in for an appraisal, They said if it is not original it would still sell for $1200. And they always say lowest price. The VP came to my house and wants to sell a lot, but I must check with VA as I am disabled Vet and not suppose to make money!
    13. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Many thanks to the 16 lovers:-)
    14. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      I love the colors and subject matter! I am part way through your collection! Will visit again soon!
    15. mxmarinemom mxmarinemom, 10 years ago
      Awww love it!!! We are kindred Grandmother gifting twins then!!!
    16. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 10 years ago
      wowza! nice piece!
    17. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Mxmarinemom thank youuuu!
      ho2cultcha tooo :-)
    18. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      some people say this is a nice piece, well it aint a nice it is almost priceless , you can put it in a museum tomorrow

      greeting waki
    19. kyratango kyratango, 3 years ago
      Aww, thank you apostata!!!

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