Posted 10 years ago
(1002 items)
Here is a Kaier's Beer opener which dates from the late 40s. Kaier's was a popular Coal Region beer, which ran for a little over a Century, closing up in the mid 70s, as I recall.
This opener plugs the Kaier's products, and is especially interesting as it touts Kaier's Special Beer to be as "Famous as Anthracite". The Coal Region is not as prosperous as it had been in the days of King Coal, but the memories still exist.
Thank you, Sean…I'll raise a toast to you!
Hi, aghcollect….thank you for the love!
Thank you, PatSea….such vintage advertising items truly hold my interest!
Wow, that is a very nice piece. I can really appreciate this because I am from the Reading PA are which is just below the coal regions. I love the history and the advertising pieces that you see at the shows and in people's collections by the Kaier's brewery.
Good morning, BreweryAficionado, thanks for the compliment on this opener. It is a real beauty. There were two variations of this model, the other not proclaiming "Famous as Anthracite" on it.
I live in Kingston, PA, right in the Coal Regions., so I know what you speak of. The Breweries of our area did have great advertising departments! As you probably are aware of, the remaining ones don't have a lot of promotional material being issued at this time.
Please check my other photos of breweriana, which includes both local and of out of town items. Since we share an interest in this topic, I will follow you on Collectors' Weekly!
Have a fine Christmas and New Year's!
Hi, Michael, thanks for the love!
Trey, I appreciate the love, thank you!
Good morning, Dave, I am grateful for your love on this item….thank you very much!
Good morning, surfdubb66….thanks for the love, and Merry Christmas to you!
Hello, v-50….thanks for your love of this beauty!
Hi, Radegunder…thank you for the love!
Thank you, Tom!
Hi, bratjdd….thank you for the love!
Hello, Petey….I appreciate the love!