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Reading, PA

My name is Chad and I am the Breweriana Aficionado. I have been collecting local PA breweriana for the past 4 years. The breweries that I focus on are Old Reading, BMy name is Chad and I am the Breweriana Aficionado. I have been collecting local PA breweriana for the past 4 years. The breweries that I focus on are Old Reading, Barbey's Sunshine, Reading, Sunshine, Deppen, Lauer, Mt Penn, Mt Carbon, and Yuengling. I buy, sell, and trade the pieces I find. Check out my website to see some of the pieces in my collection at (Read more)


  1. Wow that's a very nice sign you have there! What you have is a "Halo light" made by the Price Brothers Inc. Sign company located in Chicago, IL. I'd date your sign from the mid to late 1930's era eve...
  2. Wow that's a cool beer sign! I can't say I've ever seen another like it; large signs like that are very hard to find just from there sheer size. Great sign, I hope I can find one like it some day fo...
  3. Thanks Buckethead! It's one of my favorite signs in my breweriana collection. I recently picked up a matching ball tap knob too.
  4. Nice Sign, is the graphic face made of glass or plastic in a metal body?
  5. It looks almost like an incomplete reverse-painted glass sign. I can't say I've ever seen one before with those graphics. Very cool find!
  6. Oh my god you have a real treasure there!!!! I don't think you'll find too much on that any sign like that on the internet since they are so rare. What you have there is called a glass lens sign; de...
  7. Nice piece you have there! And ya the bottle caps are generally tough to find in any condition. I have a bunch of these bottles in my collection along with the original slim 24 bottle returnable car...
  8. Wow that thing is killer! Can't say I've ever seen another like that before.
  9. It looks like an old school home made beer dispensing "jockey box". The bucket would be filled with ice and beer would be pumped from a keg through the coil. The coil would be cold from the ice and ...
  10. Very cool collection of old Tavern Tokens you have there. Very nice!!!
  11. Very nice sign! I love anything from the Natty Boh brewery especially if it has that characters face.
  12. That's cool Cclarke! Blatz stuff has always been highly collectible. I don't think I'm allowed to give estimates and values on this website. If you contact me directly through my breweriana webs...
  13. Wow that's a very nice keg and the condition is excellent. Ya don't use it in your garden. I too have an old beer keg in my collection for the Deppen Brewing Company located in Reading, PA. You...
  14. Very nice Canman55!!!! I like your chalkier statues too as well as that cab light on the left. Let's see some more pictures of that.
  15. These Schlitz Motion Globe signs are from the late 1960's to early 1970's era. It's a very beautiful light you have there. I had one when I started collecting vintage breweriana; I wish I still had t...
  16. Thanks for the offer Foxalli but this sign isn't going anywhere. I'd never find another one in this nice of condition. Although if you are interested in getting your hands on one I might be able to h...
  17. Thanks Nicefice! Been looking for a good one for a while.
  18. I've come across these Gibbons Beer signs before in various collections. I'm always looking to add one to my collection of old PA beer and brewery signs. What you have here is a Gibbons Beer Neo...
  19. Value would be tough on those signs, if they are common or rare I'm not sure as I only mostly collect and deal in East Coast Breweriana. The condition is a bit rough on the one, although I'd need to ...
  20. Old King Beer was made by the Southwestern Brewing Corporation located at 2 West 3rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK. They started brewing a year after the repeal of prohibition in 1934. The Southwestern B...
  21. Looks to be pre-prohibition 1920's era or possibly post prohibition after 1933 just before breweries started kegging in metal kegs. That's a very cool piece; I have a similar one in my collection fro...
  22. Thanks Dwmerk9, I'd be interested in seeing what you have. You can contact me off my website at
  23. Your opener is a generic salesmen sample from the Vaughan Churchkey Company. Sales reps would visit breweries and taverns and give these openers away while trying to set up business accounts with est...
  24. Thanks Nicefice! If you want to see more of my collection feel free to check out my breweriana website at
  25. Thank you very much Nicefice!
  26. That thing is awesome! Never saw that variation before, I hope I find one some day to add to my collection. Esslinger Beer was out of Philadelphia PA though.
  27. Thank you antiquerose, I have a few other PAM Clocks in my collection, you can see them on my beer and brewery advertising collectible website at
  28. Thanks antiquerose, but I use bright LED bulbs in most of my lighted signs in my collection. They are bright and they don't bake the reverse painted glass. I just posted a pic of the reading beer cl...
  29. Thank you very much TubeAmp. Consider this mystery SOLVED!
  30. They look to be printers etching plates to be used for print publications like newspapers, magazines, and sometimes coasters. Very nice pieces you have there. Printer blocks are very hard to find be...
  31. Thanks for the comments paulmartin and Ted_Straub! Ya I can't wait to get this sign hanging up on the wall.
  32. thanks for the comments valentino97, racer4four, TubeAmp, and scottvez.
  33. Thanks Ted_Straub! I've wanted one of these since day one when I started collecting.
  34. Thank you very much inky. Glad you like it :)
  35. the brass badge on the front looks to be an image of the Mayan Calendar. More then likely your mugs mug be a souvenir of some kind but I'm not sure. Very cool and beautiful pieces
  36. Wow that is a really nice lighted sign oldbeerstlouis! I've seen similar signs like this one in the past from other older breweries but never one from Griesedieck Brothers. I do know that signs l...
  37. Wow, I really like those! Awesome find
  38. Thanks upstatenycollector and charmsomeone! I display it on the floor next to a mantle of other old beer stuff I have in my collection. It's pretty heavy so I try not to move it a lot. I occasional...
  39. Wow that foam scrapper holder is awesome! What's it made out of?
  40. How big is it? Is it the size of a standard beer serving tray or small like a tip tray? What does the back and outside rim look like?
  41. No that looks like a steel pull-top can. Depending on the conditions and if it was found say down south they can last pretty long. Digging up north however, this can wouldn't have lasted very long. ...
  42. Wow!!!!!!! Those are awesome! I don't know to much about those the signs themselves but as far as an old breweriana collectible from arrow and national usually demand big bucks in the collectors mar...
  43. Wow, that thing is so retro and I love every bit of it! Very nice sign, your lucky to have it. :)
  44. Very nice piece! I believe you have what's called a cash register light. These would have been displayed on the bar back or attached to the top of an old cash register. What does the rest of the ligh...
  45. Thanks blunderbuss2! It took me a while to find her and I'm happy to have it. :)
  46. Thanks Ted, I'm glad you like them.
  47. Hey Ted, I just posted my PR8 bottle collection. Check them out and let me know what you think. thx
  48. You know I'm not crazy on newer breweriana and beer advertising but your Mets neon sign is pretty AWESOME! Good stuff!
  49. That's a nice PR8 Bottle you have there Ted_Straub. Did you know that the Reading Brewery made 4 different versions of this bottle? They all are the same size but with slightly different graphics on...
  50. Wow, Clark00, those I really cool! I really like the barrel one and the fact that you can tie the piece to a Chicago Brewery is even better. I hope to find one of this in my travels one day so I can...
  51. See more


Vintage beer sign beer advertising NORWEGIAN  SHOT CUP Images from my private collection of original Spuds Mackenzie potos Goldberg Brother Movie Reels I think ceramic beer advertisment Information appreciated Favorite pieces of old furniture. Schlitz back lighted electric beer sign with rotating silver disc Yuengling Brewery 1994 165th Anniversary Poster WW2 Camp Campbell, KY souvenir pillow cover  c. 1943 Early NSKK model 1933 dagger, blade by very rare maker C. Schlieper


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