San Jose, CA
I specialize in Northern California Breweriana. From Pre pro - 1960's. I seek out items (Cans, Bottles, Ball Knobs, Lighted signs, Trays, neon's, Matchbooks, Crowns,I specialize in Northern California Breweriana. From Pre pro - 1960's. I seek out items (Cans, Bottles, Ball Knobs, Lighted signs, Trays, neon's, Matchbooks, Crowns, Labels, Back bar signs, Die Cut's etc) I focus on all the extinct breweries that are RIP in Northern California. I also collect beer cans from west of the Rockies states. CO, NV, WA, OR, WY, MT, UT. AZ, ID, with the main focus on California cans.
I am also part owner of the 21st Amendment Restaurant and brewery in San Francisco. Some of my items are on display there. Shoot me an email of something that you have that might be of interest. (Read more)