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Loetz Cups and Saucers Set

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Loetz Art Glass1427 of 2369Loetz 1898 Series I Production Nr. 7646 JIP Decorated Ciselé VaseLoetz Decorated Glass, Peche/WW/Hosch?
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (134 items)

    Something colorful for the holiday season. Another post from Andy:

    To call this set a rarity or even very interesting certainly sounds exaggerated to most Loetz collectors. But think again: how many of those have you seen complete and in good condition? I think it is much easier to buy five Cytisus in one day (only an issue of money) than to find another one like this, either for money or nice words as the Germans say.
    There are three clear great points concerning this set:
    1) It is definitely Loetz
    2) It shows all major Tango colors in a compact form
    3) You can combine cups and saucers in many ways and always generate a new perspective

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 10 years ago
      Oh my....words escape me....
    2. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      Love love love so happy colours .
      In the 1950's -60's pottery sets like this were referred to as Harlequin sets and the catch words were " Mix and match..."
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      Extraordinary find !!!!!

      MEGA !!!
    4. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      Example of Harlequin set in Pottery by Australian Martin Boyd Pottery
    5. dlfd911 dlfd911, 10 years ago
      Nice comparison Marty. This is the same effect I get when I mix up all the different colors of Tango glass on one shelf. Thanks for the comments and loves everyone.
    6. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      I am overcome! With amazement and adoration and envy.
      Such a wonderful set - everything is right...the colours, the shapes, the contrast, the finish.
    7. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Great colors. I like the second photo best, where they are all matched, lol. So the tall piece is a coffee pot, I assume, or are these usable glass? The little one is a milk pitcher, where is the sugar bowl?
    8. MacArt MacArt, 10 years ago
      amazing set!

      I hate to be poopy head but yellow is pretty major color in Tango, and it's not there...
    9. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      These are amazing!!!
    10. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Happy New Year...:-)...just love this set!...:-)
    11. epson233 epson233, 10 years ago
      these will certainly brighten up the cold winter days -- happy holidays
    12. dlfd911 dlfd911, 10 years ago
      Happy New Year everyone!
    13. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      David as a minor Tango collector still it's absolutely magnificent... Yes indeed it's those gorgeous Tango colours all lined up ready to serve a nice cordial or cuppa! Thank you for sharing and I hope you are well ?
    14. cameoboy cameoboy, 7 years ago
      It would be useful of the Loetz names for these colors were added.

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