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Late 1880's Carpet Covered Trunk Excellent Condition

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (52 items)

    This is a Late 1880's Carpet Covered Trunk in Excellent Condition that I just picked up. It is in completely original un-restored condition. I did clean it and made a new pair of handles for it. These trunks are quite rare on their own, and finding one in good shape is even more rare. (carpet did not fare too well over time) This one is just unbelievable! The carpet has little if any wear and the slat design is quite unique. I also thought the mixture of Japanned parts, and tinned parts was very nice. The interior took more abuse than the exterior, and I have not decided if I will do anything to it.
    Hope you enjoy it,

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    1. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      Wow -- what a spectacular trunk Jim!!! The hardware on it is fabulous let alone the excellent condition of the carpet. Was there a label on it? Great example of a fine rare trunk!
    2., 10 years ago
      Thank you all. Unfortunately, no makers label.
    3. hawkseye hawkseye, 10 years ago
      wow wow wow...I love trunks, but I have never ever seen one with carpet ....beautiful find..would it be much to ask where you found it..garage sale, antique shop.....thanks
    4., 10 years ago
      Thank you very much. I actually found the trunk on Craigslist about 2000 miles from my home. Shipping is quite expensive so I would look close to home if possible.
    5. Kydur Kydur, 10 years ago
      I've looked at a lot of trunk photos (while trying to identify my own) and have never seen anything like it either. Very impressive in a regal sort of way!

      Is it really carpet or some sort of machine-embroidered canvas/cloth? It looks very similar to the canvas-like fabric (not carpet) on the sides of my RCA speaker cabinet:
    6., 10 years ago
      It is the same carpet that one would walk on during that time period. It is also the same carpet used on carpet bags. I believe the carpet was refereed to as hook & loop.
    7. Drill Drill, 10 years ago
      Wonderful to See Jim, a nice example.
    8. Drill Drill, 10 years ago
      Neat the way they modified the hardware to accommodate the vertical slats. Wondering also! Why do you make of the use of metal patches centered on the bottom of the front back and sides?Never seen that before.
    9. myoldkyhome myoldkyhome, 10 years ago
      Love it! I've never seen a trunk like this. Very impressive!
    10. jscott0363 jscott0363, 10 years ago
      Jim, that is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Very unique and beautiful!! Your work is always amazing!!
      Happy New Year to you and your family!!!
    11., 10 years ago
      Drill, I don't know why they attached the pieces of sheet iron on all four sides. On the ends it makes some since as these are the locations for the cleat clamps. However the front and back make no sense. I can only assume that the ones on the ends are for he clamps, and the front and back for symmetry.
    12. Drill Drill, 10 years ago
      Interesting ,Maybe they were going to put an additional cleat clamp(it would look better), but decided not too. I almost picture a spot for the shipping labels as they might not stick to the carpet,or protection of the carpet if you were to lash it down when shipping it ,Quirky feature all the same. Symmetry works for me though.
    13. kgokie, 10 years ago
      I have a trunk that is almost identical. It was my grandmother's and I've had it for many years. On a whim, I tried googling antique trunks to see if I found any similar. Yours is the only one that I found (after looking for 5 minutes, anyway). Carpet is slightly different, but the hardware and design are the same. I do have the maker's label. I am going to see if I can upload a photo. If not, I"d be glad to email it to you.
    14. kgokie, 10 years ago
      Manufacturer is MM Secor. I found your website and I will send you photos and you can decide if it's the same.

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