FatBoy64 » collections




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  1. Looks like your standard flat top trunk that someone painted up at some point. There were a lot of trunk makers that put these out so if there isn't a label there isn't any way to know who made it. It...
  2. That's a whopper, nice find.
  3. The fourth looks like a huge trunk on a truck. Cool stuff Drill.
  4. That's how it starts, a couple bucks here and there. Next thing you know you're eyeballing Martin Maier slat trunks for a four figures and wondering about how much you're getting back in taxes. LOL
  5. That looks like a nice one, you seem to manage to find some real keepers.
  6. Nice trunk but you picked a tough one to start with. Greendog is right, stripping paint sucks.
  7. That's really cool Drill, I thought the leather was in good shape until I started reading the comments and looked closer. Great idea.
  8. That's a nice one Drill, it should be a stunner when you get it done.
  9. Like Greendog says, you can do whatever you want with this, there aren't any kind of rules to follow. There does seem to be a lot of paper left compared to others you see that age so that is something...
  10. Hello and welcome. It looks like you have a Jenny Lind trunk and I doubt it had any leather on it, sometimes they covered them with paper like that. They were popular around the civil war but I don't ...
  11. Oh yeah, that's so much better. Really great work t-man.
  12. Nice looking trunk, MUCH better than wicker.
  13. Couldn't help but notice the use of the long S on the label, that thingie that looks like a lowercase f, that mostly went out of style around 1800 so that might help you date it.
  14. wow, another nice one.
  15. That is awesome. I had no idea these existed either but it looks like you snagged a beauty.
  16. No way Greendog, I like this one. It only took me an hour and a half out of my way to pick it up so that wasn't too bad. It looks like Jim Cardoza did a Romadka monitor trunk similar to this one at so...
  17. Thanks for the tips. Those are beautiful, especially that first one.
  18. Another nice find. Your house must look like an early 1900s railroad depot by now. I'm jealous. LOL
  19. Great find, I love the big ones and the embossed tin is very cool.
  20. Well, it's an old flat top trunk, probably over 100 years old but how much I couldn't tell you. Unfortunately there were a lot of people making them back then and they were made by the thousands so un...
  21. Well, that cleaned up really well, very pretty trunk,
  22. I dunno buddy, I love the trunk but not the mottling so much.
  23. Oh, that's a nice one. Love the description of the trip too, been there done that. LOL
  24. Cool, you have a dresser or bureau trunk. You don't see these a lot so, yeah, they are kinda rare. Nailing down a value is kinda hard since they aren't seen for sale a lot and condition is important. ...
  25. No room, who are you kidding. There is always room for one more. LOL Nice trunk, very similar to this one on Marvin Millers site. http://www.thisoldtrunk.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_in...
  26. Well, the bad news is that if it doesn't have something that identifies the maker like a sticker or plate with a name on it or some kind of hardware particular to a maker there isn't really a way to t...
  27. Nice job, post some more pics, if you've been lurking a while you know we love pics.
  28. Great job saving that trunk from a horrible paint job.
  29. Okay, I think the covering you're talking about is something called vulcanized fiber, don't know exactly what it is really but you see it on wardrobe trunks a lot. I don't see the confusion myself, it...
  30. That's a wardrobe trunk, or the shell of a wardrobe trunk. Google 'wardrobe trunk' and hit images and you'll have an idea of what it originally looked like.
  31. Excellent work.
  32. It does look awesome. It looks like it's in pretty good shape, with a bit of cleaning it should be something that will have people saying "whoa, cool, where did you get that?". I'm afraid I can't tell...
  33. Without any identifying marks there isn't any way to know who the maker was. It looks like a nice little trunk though, I like the pattern on the metal.
  34. Oh cool, I would love to find one of those in the trash, or even at a reasonable price. It's hard to tell from the pics but it doesn't look too rough. I'm afraid this isn't the place to get a value th...
  35. Nice looking trunk except for that broken latch. J.S.S. would have been the initials of the owner and Denver would have been home, I guess that is pretty common for trunks.
  36. LMAO, I love how you say it is your first one. You've got the bug haven't you? Nice looking trunk, it looks like whoever did it did a nice job.
  37. There are a few places to pick up tips on refinishing trunks online if you look around. Here are a couple you might find helpful. http://www.brettunsvillage.com/trunks/ http://www.legacytrunks.c...
  38. Very cool.
  39. Here is another with a stamp. http://www.legacytrunks.com/beveled%20top%2072860/beveled%20top%20trunk%2072860_main.htm
  40. Pretty trunk you've got there. It looks as though it will need a bit of work but if you put the time and effort into it the thing should be something you'll be proud of for quite a while. You can find...
  41. Nice bonus with the new house.
  42. LMAO Oh yeah, there it is.
  43. Have you bought a trunk even though you don't have room for it or know what you're going to do with it? That's a dead giveaway. Once you get to that point you just as well start all your posts in here...
  44. You're addicted. LOL
  45. Very cool T-man, gotta love those odd ones. Looks like it was taken care of really well too.
  46. Thanks for the comments and the loves folks.
  47. Sharp looking trunk and you gotta love the background too.
  48. Very pretty, someone really put the time in to decorate that one.
  49. Very cool trunk Marvin, I like that look a lot. Good work on the article too, very informative.
  50. aroc, I'm pretty sure you're first impression is right and that those aren't coins of any kind. I'm no expert but I've messed around with coins a bit and have been into civil war store cards for a whi...
  51. See more


Taylor trunk for a cord circuit test set?? Mystery trunk Need help...how old? Cedar Hope Chest Vintage


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