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Romadka Trunk (Western Star) circa 1886 refinished

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Trunks395 of 2669Romadka trunk cont.Old trunk lock (post for NickinNZ)
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (64 items)

    It’s been a few months since I first posted this trunk. I stripped all the paint from all the metaI Removed the moldy leather, sanded, burned & stained some (character) into the wood. I based it on some of the original tooled leather. I of course take artistic liberty . Hopefully the Romadka bros. Looking down from the heavens approve . There are just a few nails in this one and a couple pieces of cast hardware. You guys count for me Ok I ‘m tired. Tomorrow I will begin to tackle building the interior trays and compartments from scratch, There’s currently nothing but fungus and mold inside. I can’t wait to crawl inside , yippee! more fun. See ya in a few months as I take my sweet time with it. I’ll send more pics. ??????

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      You're the man ! Beautiful work. Thanks for keeping us posted.
    2. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      Ditto to bb2's comment! What an amazing job you have done here! I'm very impressed!!
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 6 years ago
      Wow Drill!! You did an outstanding refinish, to say the least!! The designs you've burned into the wood are just amazing. You're quite an artist my friend!!
    4. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      Well Drill, All I can say is WOW!!, you always do a great job but for me this is your best, this one stands out from the crowd, when you first look at it you think your looking at a leather covered trunk, absolutely fantastic job one to be proud of, you inspire me to give this a try, again great job Drill.
    5. BigD338 BigD338, 6 years ago
      Wow — I just looked at both the before and after pics again! What a transformation! I’m cute you’ve covered this before Drill, but what tools do you use to drill/ burn the wood? Your patterns look great & remind so much of the leather. Love the finished product!
    6. Drill Drill, 6 years ago
      I just want to thank everyone for the kind words. It really is enjoyable to bring them back. I will be giving this one away to one of my soldiers that recently returned from Afghanistan.
    7. trunkman trunkman, 6 years ago
      Oh my... how beautiful!! You’ve taken this lovely craftsmanship piece and elevated it to a work of art! Wonderful...
    8. FatBoy64, 5 years ago
      That's really cool Drill, I thought the leather was in good shape until I started reading the comments and looked closer. Great idea.
    9. Mike78, 5 years ago
      Love it!
    10. Im4anythingOld, 5 years ago
      AMAZING JOB Drill!! Great overall flavor added to a great trunk.
    11. Im4anythingOld, 5 years ago
      Had to push the love button a second time there Drill as this piece of art deserves to be one at the head of the class, OR in a class of its own, which technically I guess it truly is.
      AMAZING JOB Drill!!.....once again!!
    12. Drill Drill, 5 years ago
      Thank you again everyone for all the kind words and the loves.It's just good to bring them back a bit and not see them discarded to the curb.

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