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Early 1900's German antique wardrobe trunk

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Trunks1026 of 2669German wardrobe trunk 2Ornate Leather Covered Trunk
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (149 items)

    Came across this nice example of a German Wardrobe trunk -- not sure who the maker was -- there is a name on the latch I will need to research. This one has beautiful hickory ribbing all brass rivets, two intact leather handles on the center exterior, and all of the canvas is intact as well. Unfortunately two center drawers are missing from the interior :( -- how do these go missing? "Here's a drawer from this old trunk we can use for socks." -- never to be seen again. Even though this piece is a bit massive it has a depth of beauty to it.

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    1. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the love AnnaB.... :)
    2. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Hey greendog -- thanks for the visit-- a bit unusual this one...
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Now that is one awesome looking wardrobe trunk!! I usually don't give wardrobe trunks a second look, but this one is amazing. Those heavy brass corners and the hickory ribbing are great!! Your collection of French trunks is really fantastic!
    4. Signaholic Signaholic, 8 years ago
      Beautiful trunks! Believe it or not, I'm finally going to get to stripping and redoing my old humpback trunk very soon.
    5. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Js -- thanks so much for the comment -- I have a hard time passing up these quality pieces. I bring them home and shine them up and am always amazed at how nice they look. Now I have to find a place for this one.... well a good problem to have.
    6. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the comment Signaholic -- okay now does "finally" and "very soon" have an actual date?? LOL...
    7. Signaholic Signaholic, 8 years ago
      No I don't, but check out my current pics posted.
    8. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      You will have fun with your new project Signaholic-- looks great!
    9. Signaholic Signaholic, 8 years ago
      Thank you sir! I'll keep everyone posted on its progress and thanks for the info!
    10. FatBoy64, 8 years ago
      Sharp looking trunk and you gotta love the background too.
    11., 8 years ago
      Very nice piece! I have not seen one like that. I believe your trunk is German. The latches say "gesetzilbeschuizt", which is german for "Protected by law" (our version of patent) I have yet to find German hardware on on a French trunk or vise versa.
    12., 8 years ago
      Follow up. Generally speaking, and I am no expert, when I see a trunk with rounded, and curved slats, I think German or Great Britain. French trunks usually had narrow flat slats, and, well we all know what American trunks used. As always there is no hard and fast rule, and there are always exceptions. In the 1900's American trunk makers made lightweight trunks with narrow slats that were very similar in looks to French trunks, and would comply with the European weight restrictions.
    13. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Jim thank you so much for your insight on this trunk. When I saw the German on the latch I thought German trunk but I was dissuaded by the stickers on it from Paris and another marking from the French city of Metz. Also the use of the brass sheet trim around the bottom was similar to French trunks -- but I would concur with you as these other markings are simply tales of travel -- and the slats are larger and more rounded than French ones as you pointed out. Thanks again for all your knowledge...
    14. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      thanks shughs, sugargirl, Rick55, farmlady, TrunkerMarvin, MountainGirl, Caperkid, thegatherer, Beachbum58, AntigueToys, Designer, myoldkyhome, kyratango, Drill, CindB, walksoftly, TheGateKeeper, bijoucaillouvintage, mikelv85 fortapache, FatBoy64,TassieDevil , antiquerose, officialfuel, bobby725, and Signaholic for the loves,,,,
      jscott0363 loves this.
      greendog loves this.
      AnnaB loves this.
    15. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      and greendog, jscott, AnnaB...

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