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Original 1943 "Join A.R.P." WW2 Poster

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (110 items)

    Original 1943 artwork from my private collection of WW2 posters. This was special artwork created for Fortune Magazine and is one of the most sought after posters from WW2. It measures approximately 11 x 14.

    Without a doubt the most graphically designed propaganda image created during World War II! This Join A.R.P. (Air Raid Precautions) image portrays a powerful and frightening glance into the nuclear threat that technically is still around today.

    The image is a wake up call of what could happen shown through the reflection of gas mask eyes; A clock ticking down to zero in one eye opening, and a nuclear blast on the horizon in the other. A STRONG, GRAPHIC, and POWERFUL image!

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 10 years ago
      Very awesome zguy!!
    2. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      I think the only good things these absurd 20th Century wars left us are these amazing war posters... and this one is simply great!
    3. zguy2112 zguy2112, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the comments all, glad you guys like this. Certainly my favorite of ALL my WW2 posters!
    4. wrightarchitecture, 10 years ago
      Never even seen this in a book! As always, thanks for the continuing education!
    5. zguy2112 zguy2112, 10 years ago
      wrightarchitecture, you are always welcome for what little education I can add to my pieces. Thanks for the love. It is my understanding that Fortune Magazine ran a one-time issue in 1943 that included some propaganda WW2 poster designs from artists as a contest, this was one of the posters. It was NEVER produced as a mainstream poster and as a result most of the public has never seen this image. Thus, it is highly collectible for us poster guys with an eye for graphic design.
    6. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Very interesting zguy, thanks for sharing it :)
    7. zguy2112 zguy2112, 10 years ago
      Jewels, your welcome and thanks for visiting. Hope you had a great New Year!

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