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Lawson Time Model 303 "Admiral" Shelf Clock

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (73 items)

    The Lawson Time Model 303 "Admiral" was featured in the company's 1938 "Time-Table Time" brochure. Its production seems to have ceased by the time the firm's operations moved from Los Angeles to Pasadena in 1940. In the brochure, its design is attributed to "Ferher (Paul Feher?) and (George) Adomatis." The clock was offered in either bronze or satin silver and it sold for $25.00. This particular clock was a presentation piece awarded to L.H. Gerson in 1938. It has a polished brass top, and bronze finished face and back. I've only seen one other Admiral in many years of collecting and that one also had the two-tone finish. It measures 10" x 4" x 3 1/2".

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    1. ChePibe ChePibe, 10 years ago
      Your collection is beautiful. I must congratulate you because your choices are always spectacular.
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    3. Chadakoin Chadakoin, 10 years ago
      Thank you, ChePibe and SEAN68, for your kind comments!

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