Posted 10 years ago
(390 items)
This is my latest acquisition. It's a cast iron pot belly stove about 17" tall and about 7" at the base.
Each January, an engine club that I am a member of, runs a winter get together / swap meet. Cold or warm, snow or sleet, the show does go on.
This year I took several items to sell. On my trip to the kitchen to get warm and some hobo stew, I saw this little stove (I do have a small stove fetish). After some haggling, I walked away with my new prize.
I'm not sure if it is a sales sample or a toy stove. Inside the ash dump, there is indented into the floor the words " made in Mount Joy, PA"
It has a working ash shaker and put together with square hd. bolts, so it could be a salesman's sample, after all, you can't expect a salesman to tote a full sized stove around the each of his potential customers.
It's really cute. The previous owner said that he fired it up and it through a lot of heat.
I really love it!!
Thanks Virginia, I too think it's special. I have several small and some not so small stoves in my collection.
Originally this would have been a toy as Spark was not a real stove company.
This one appears to be a recent made one, having the outside age enhanced while the inside is still new. Grey Iron Casting Co re-issued many of their old items in through the 50's and then John Wright bought them out in the late 60's and re-issued many again. They are still making cast hardware.
That said, it looks good and will surly enhance a stove collection.
thanks for the info AzTom