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Small black vase

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Art Glass13830 of 22787Murano (?) Millefiore Glass Heart Pendant /18K GP White Gold Bale 12 K Chain/ Circa 20th CenturyGoldberg Satin Glass Vase with Enamelled Orchid
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (39 items)

    I found this today at gw and I need help identifying if anybody out there could help me. It has a very soft finish and looks frosty I can't figure out the signature. thanks
    edited 2/6 I used a charcoal pencil to fill in the signature and put a flash light shining into it

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      very beautiful!!
    2. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thanks sean! any clues as to company/maker?
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      your very welcome glasslove!! I would need a much clearer pic of signature , its blurry !!! :)
    4. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      ok thanks I will try to get one
    5. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thank you for the love cindib, aghcollect, and kivanitz!
    6. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Yes, a clearer photo is in order for sure. Love the vase regardless!
    7. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      ok thanks share is this one any better?
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Very nice!! No clue...looks something like Veturi or something like that to me ????
    9. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thank you antiquerose and patsea! yes I have no clue either
    10. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thank you nuts! very hard to make out
    11. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Possibly, what are you thinking?
    12. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Really ?? thanks so much now I can look it up.
    13. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      well I have come to the conclusion that is def not freeman eye4 but thanks for your help. ;)!
    14. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      ??? Vetreria ?? for Operaia Lux ???

      I do not know, just throwing it out there.....??
    15. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      eye4- that link you sent me is the same exact bottom it looks like they can't read the signature on that one either. Thanks so much for your help I don't think I can get a better shot of the signature.
    16. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago

    17. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Try the plain paper and pencil trick!
    18. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      That's what it looks like to me share. I will try that. Thanks!
    19. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      eye4 thank you for this lead! it looks like very similar glass especially the bottoms I just don't see the t as the last letter but I am still researching nourot as a possibility. His glass is very beautiful
    20. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      ok this is driving me crazy lol !! I really appreciate your expertise!! I will look again at these two
    21. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Try rubbing some black ash (soot) over the letters -- then post us a pic.

      IF need be, just take a small (3" x 3" ) piece of paper and light it in the Sink (where it is Safe) ...and after it has burnt -- then rub your fingers on the paper to get some soot on them, and rub your fingers over the lettering on the vase.

      Worth a try.......But do not burn your place down to do this. Be SAFE first!!!
    22. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thanks arose :) I will try this tomorrow and post a new pic I have to get up early for work :( Have a good night!!
    23. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      is that any better antiquerose and eye4? I used a charcoal pencil it looks the same to me
    24. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      ?Looks like VETRIA to me but still a ???

      Try your little light thing by the blackened signature a bit....just to light it up a tad with the black in it.....maybe different ways to try to solve
    25. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      I have done that lol I am done with it for now thanks for your help!!
    26. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      5 inches high
    27. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
    28. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Can I play? I've seen that mark as Harrach, or looks like it.
    29. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Excuse me, I should have said the initial letter looks like Harrach. The word itself looks like Vitus to me, but there is no such glass artist as Vitus that I know.
    30. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Sure Katherine you can play!! I see it as that too - a undocumented artist?
    31. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Thanks eye4!! I shall check these out.
    32. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      That is beautiful and expensive!
    33. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Thanks!! glad you are appreciating it!! I guess it was worth the 2.99 I paid for it. Lol!!
    34. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Did you check Harrach signature as I suggested? :)
    35. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      I will Katherine I will have to get on my laptop in a bit my iPhone is not good for looking stuff up thank you and everyone else for sticking with me on this one!! I really appreciate it:)
    36. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      yes Eye4- I love looking up my collectibles and then taking the knowledge learned and using it to find more treasures. I looked at the michael harris glass and there are similiar shapes but the finishes are not like mine- it is a very satiny smooth finish and frosted
    37. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Here's one site where I saw that Harrach mark, look down the page at Harrach, there's some examples all with the same V as your vase. There was another site I saw it as well, but can't remember where. Anyway, maybe, maybe not, but sure looks similar.
    38. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      The way they finish their base also looks like yours, and they use numbers, FWIW.
    39. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      oh yes I see it is a little similar. would be nice if it was that...:)
    40. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      ok will do!!!
    41. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      ok how is that?? lol
    42. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Well now it looks like Vitrexo! :)
    43. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
    44. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Hi Eye4 I don't know if these are any better but the 4th one is the reflection of the signature on the 2nd layer of glass..
    45. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Cool I will look too
    46. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      eye4... it does seem logical that it came from this studio, I live about two hours from it, and being signed on an angle maybe made some of the letters to come out like they did. And it is cased glass or layered glass.....
    47. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      eye4 check this one out that I passed up at the thrift store yesterday I didn't see a signature on it maybe it was under the sticker I might go back and see if it is still there... I am stupid!!!
    48. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      I know!! I have to go visit my 92 year old mama today she is in a nursing home about 50 miles away.. don't know if I can make it back to that store today boo hoo. I might try to fit it in!! But Mama comes first!!
    49. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Thank you for all your help!! You are Awesome!!
    50. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      eek :(!!!!
    51. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Is that an *EEK* due to seeing Eye4beauty link with Value/Price/signature on the one found:

      Is that a shocked EEK on Possible Value............or an EEK Scream of Joy?

      LOL ~ I think mystery is solved....
    52. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Hi antiquerose!!! No the eek was for eye4's because he Passed on a vitrix signed Santa claus because he couldn't read the signature at the time. I hope my mystery is finally solved I will be fully convinced if I could find something with similar colors. Lol!! But yes I will mark it as solved!! Yay!
    53. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Great digging for the answer on this one!!

      YAY for you... from me
    54. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      right eye4 ;)

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