Posted 10 years ago
(559 items)
After the alien vase this is very calm. I think this piece is from late in Kamei's releases, probably 1980s or 90s.
Beautifully made with a pale blue base with darker lines in it moving into a white body. Very Japanese scrolled handles (or ears as they so wisely call them) have been added then it has all been satinised.
Height 28.5cm
Have I told you my Kamei theory?
I have never found any designer attributed to Kamei. The only history I have found on the company has been an interview from the company owner apologising for bankruptcy, and he called Kamei a wholesale company.
Add to that my feeling that all the Kamei work I have seen looks like it has come from another manufacturer. I have seen pieces that could be Iwatsu, Marti, Joetsu or Tsugaru. Maybe Kamei just followed the design flow of the time, or maybe they never did make glass, just distributed it. Hopefully I will know something regarding this as I have written to a few people in Japan that I hope will respond soon.
Then again, I may never know! I'm sure the world will keep turning......
Cool blue :-)
I like the ears!
Thanks surfdub! It's a peaceful blue.
Yep! Good ears cobalt! Thanks.
It does have very calming colors. As cobaltcobold said, the ears sort look like Quark's from Star Trek Deep Space Nine:)
This is so beautiful Karen, ive never seen anything like it ( or I'd have probably bought it :) I don't know anything about Japanese glass like this, i guess its quite rare to find, in the UK at least?
An beautiful piece with an amazing story...who knows
Lol Scott - I now name this the Quark vase. Thanks!
It really is a beautiful piece Fran and I'm so glad you like it!
Most of my Japanese glass is now from Japan Fran and was made for the domestic market. Japan lost it's huge export markets in the late 80s and 90s when the yen got expensive and Chinese glass entered the market big time.
It's unlikely you would see later glass like this floating around the UK.
Thank you too wouldn't fit with your glass passion but I can imagine you living with it! (does that make sense?)
Ooh if the ears could only tell! This is soo pretty!
These ears have heard tales we can't imagine....possibly some about mad collectors including ones called Sue.
A very beautiful vase for sure!
Hi Karen, how interesting. Thanks for the explanation (& 'Japan Fran' has a nice ring to it :) If ever I did see anything like this I'd snap it up & consider myself very lucky. Really stunning glass like this is rarely found thrifting, it's too nice for anyone to give away. As I said earlier, ive Never come across anything like this!
Thanks Pops, and thanks again Fran.