Posted 10 years ago
(761 items)
It was Tuesday and I went to my regular 'oppie' down the road and came back with this piece of porcelain. The body of the boy appears bisque and is painted. The top of the toadstool however has been glazed and has underglaze decoration.
Thanks to KIVATINITZ , we have a solution .... He's CZECH!
He has a painted artist mark of 'ur' and a stamped dark brown '9' or is it a '6'?
Impressed in the porcelain are some numbers: 26/52.
The young boy's eyes are wide open at the sight of the beetle below ... he has a flower in his left hand on the toadstool.
Looks as if he is going to whack the beetle or lady bird.
17.5 cm tall .... 6.9 inches
Just cute!
Hes just cute!! im so glad you have shared him cw wouldn't be the same with you or him!!! :) hes a stunner just like you Kevin!!!
Many thanks BLUNDERBUSS !!!!!!
Your very welcome Kevin!!
He is a gorgeous piece Kevin. The look on his face and his cherubic little body.
I hope someone can help!
How is Maurie going with him?
Both being bad boys, Karen !!!
I knew they would be trouble!!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE !!!!!!!
Tis is cute! and interesting how such a trifle thing has much expression!
Many thanks MIKELV & IVONNE too !!!!!!
Many thanks DON !!!!!
Many thanks CINDB !!!!!
I love your little boy,so sweet and cute, many thanks for share!
What a little sweetie mate
Many thanks SMIATA !!!!!!
very cute .. but I know nothing about porcelain ...sorry
Many thanks NORDICMAN & VIOLETORANGE too !!!!!!!
Many thanks TONINO !!!!!!!
Many thanks POPS !!!!!!
I adore figurines of childs, and yes think it is German because of the motive, child and mushroom. Have you seen this one?
perhaps it is Royal Dux also
Many thanks KIVATINITZ !!!!!!!
I reckon you are right !!!!!
Thanks .... I'm going to a real good look at Royal Dux now ...
you are welcome but was my pleasure
So very cute!...:-)
Many thanks INKY !!!!!!!
The name I have come up with so far as a possible designer is Elly Strobach Königová.
So the idea is that it is an early design by Elly Strobach Königová * 5.2.1908 - † 14.3.2002 Mind you there is no signature on this item.
This is a link to a similar item still produced there:
From the Royal Dux site is this translation of her biography.
Elly Strobach - Königová nee Kvasni?ková, was born on February 5, 1908 in Ústí nad Labem. For the academic director of the era. sculptor Johannes Watzala graduated from the State Vocational School of Ceramics in Teplice and after graduation began working with Duchcov porcelain. Elly Strobach Königová - drawing Francis Rabel
Especially in the 30s and 40s was a respected corporate tribal designer, successful were the following designs and decorative figural porcelain in the Art Deco style. The first luxury art style that bears the main features of Cubism, Futurism and Art Nouveau, gradually gained immense popularity among the general public. Its typical features and has been reproduced on a massive scale and also found their place in the production Duchcov porcelain factory.
They are still posing a successful female nudes, fashionable dancer (also in exclusive forms of table lamps) even very popular figurines plump children and humanized animals bearing the signature "Elly Strobach" or "Königová" treasured item in a menu auction houses. Many of their models are still part of the production program of factory Royal Dux.
Elizabeth Kvasni?ková not an easy life. She was first married to bohosudovského surgeon. Strobach, but soon became a widow when her husband succumbed to acute tuberculosis. Her book then enjoyed even in the 50s, when Duchcovská porcelánka experiencing really tragic "Cultural Revolution" statement of most of its existing production of kitsch. Although this blunder was soon overcome and sentenced, irretrievable losses are difficult to correct later. Now most models had denounced in the coming years, when the porcelain factory again rallied, the biggest response in the world.
Elly Strobachová, twice married Königová, however, had until her retirement to face the ideological dictates of evaluation committees, and so in the second half of the 60s went with my sister and her husband in exile in Germany. At the end of her life she lived in Geeretsriedu at Munich, where she lived to a great age. She died on 14 March 2002, shortly after her 94th birthday.
Elly Strobach - Königová née Kvasnicková.
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!!!!!
Many thanks TREY !!!!!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER, KERRY 'n PETEY !!!!!!!!
I've been thinking about a little competition for a while and I think in light of all that's been going on this would be a good time. I don't want to give any details yet to keep it fair . And I do want EVERYONE to feel comfortable about joining in. I will post details and get it started tomorrow if no problems come up .
Pass it on.
Gtreat idea HEDGE !!!!!
Many thanks PHILMAC !!!!!
Many thanks BOXDUST !!!!!!
Many thanks SERGEY !!!!!!
Many thanks AURA !!!!!
Many thanks THOMAS !!!! !!!! !!!!
Many thanks NEWFLD too !!!!
He's been in storage for a few years and has made a re-appearance.
Many thanks VYNIL !!!!