Posted 10 years ago
(436 items)
Have this watercolor for 30 years, I bought it because of the funny face of the Tritone (male mermaid), and the beauty of the nude women!
Size is approx. 25x35 centimeters (image only)
The only mark I can read is the name of the artist, Luke, and 1908...
Vetraio, TubeAmp! help wanted!
It seems to me belonging to preraphaelite movement, as some John W. Waterhouse works:
Just notice too a man face in the rock on the right of the maids...
Do you see the same?
Thanks CindB for your saying, now I see two!
Very very strange...
The funny Undine makes me think of Blunderbuss2, don't know why... LOL
Reminds me of my early days in Jamaica. Maybe it's the 2 faces that remind you of me kyra.
Very cool ! love it :-) I do see bb2 in it also lol
I do like this Kyra :).....I agree about the pre raphaelite style could be an unknown artist from that school. Looks like the Merman and the two Mermaids in the water are terrorizing the poor human women. They're trying to get away and hide among the rocks. Rather scary ! I photo shopped the signature, inverted the colors and tried to isolate it from the background. I'm seeing an "M" of "N" for the last name underneath Luke with what look like two dotted " i " and the ending looks like "ski" so Nominski or Morinski it's still not very clear but that's my guess. Czech, Hungarian, or Austrian artist.
My first thought was not Luke but 'Lieke' as an alternative.
Leike .... too?
I highly suspect the piece is German illustration art, very much akin to what was common in Jugend or other popular magazines from the period. It appears to say "Munich" underneath the last name and just in front of the date.
This aquarell follows closely Arnold Boecklin's "Triton and Nereide" as well as other famous paintings of this Swiss artist. The originals of Boecklin are Highlights in all highly ranked Europaen Museums.
Bb2 and Manikin, lol!
Mikelv, right, I wouldn't like to be in the young women situation !!! Thank you for your work on the signature, will have to dig there :-)
Vetraio and cogito, many thanks for your help, other fields to search in!
It's really great! I also love the Bocklinstil.
Kairomalte! My artist was surely influenced by Böcklin! Thank you for the information, I never heard of him and love his symbolism :-) can be seen there:
30 years is a long time to be hiding this lovely picture...smiling
Roycroft, I hid it in my bedroom, so, not many saw it, lol!
kyra, This is something that I would definitely take home...
Vintagelamp, I won't let you take my ladies! Too much horny creatures in your home, lol!
Late thanks to all 23 lovers :-)
Painter is still a mystery, though really the waves and subject is in the manner of Böcklin,
Thank you very much for your loves, Ho2cultcha and Thomas :-)
Finally identified on Antiquers forum!
Ferdinand LEEKE!
Very similar composition, subject, water rendering and face expression! (The link is for a copy...)
Thank you Eileen! Lust at its best representation :-D
The green of envy merman makes me laugh!