Posted 10 years ago
(308 items)
Thought I'd show my Ed Seese marble. I have a small marble collection. One day I ran a search on Ebay, not really knowing what to expect. A few different artist came up, but it was the Seese marbles that blew me away.
Measurements - 1.5" TALL - 1.5" WIDE - 1.5" DEEP (lol)
I like it, hope you do too.
It almost looks as if Peter Max designed it. So colorful. Do you have any idea of its age ? Is it machine made ? It looks too that it would glow under UV. lite. Have you tested that Perhaps ? Of coarse if it's old probly not. Unless produced w/ Uranium.
Have you posted your other pieces ?
Yes I have a small collect. Too. :..: thanx.
Thanks to Racer4four, CindB, and Lambda55. I believe that the Ed Seese marbles are all "in house", he designs and hand makes them himself. I'm pretty sure I got the best one he ever made. lol. thanks to all. D.
To Lambda, I recently had a black light out, no glow. I'm not sure if there would be any difference with a more powerful UV light. I have a couple other large marbles that I will be showing a little later, and probably some other smaller ones that will come then as well. I will be showing a few of my paperweights next.
Thanx! Yeh that lil' guy is pretty cool !! Can't imagine the process for that work. Yeh, if it don't glow then it don't. ! I'll be looking forward to seeing the rest if your
OCD :..: (obsessive Collectors disorder) lol!!
And are those paperweight's "Mili-Fiori" ?
If the paperweights are Mili-Fiori, I dunno, I will need some help to make that determination. Wink wink. Life demonstrated it's ironic side today, while I was shooting photos of my glass pieces. On the TV, I was watching "How It's Made" on Science channel. They did a segment on Mili-Fiori paperweights, showed how them make the canes, break and assemble them, and then through the process to a finished round paperweight. It's always an education watching that process. Thanks.
Thank you Aghcollect, Vetraio50, Surfdub66, Sklo42, Glasslove, Lambda55, Aldo78, Lise, Blunderbuss2, Rustfarm, DrFluffy and Aura for the "Love it" click. They are greatly appreciated.