Posted 10 years ago
(3484 items)
A classic roadside attraction featuring Dinny the Brontosaurus and Mr Rex.
Dinny the first one made and was finished in 1975. Mr Rex was built in 1981. Dinny is 150 tons, 45 feet tall and 150 long. Mr Rex is about 3-4 stories tall. These were built by Claude Bell.
In the 1990s they got new owners who added several fiberglass and animatronic dinosaurs. The current owners are creationists which makes for odd bedfellows but adds to the charm. Along with two of my rules for roadside attractions. They must be in the middle of nowhere and be in a state of disrepair.
The Cabazon Dinosaurs are 12 miles west of Palm Springs off I-10.
This might take a post or two more.
Super post -- Wish I could get there !!
Awesome. I like your roadside attraction rules too.
Creationists...dinosaurs.....what day were they made?
Might frighten a drunk driver! :-D
I remember traveling past when Dinny was being built in the 60's, on the way to the Salton Sea for weekend outing's. They were at a truck stop then, we stopped there for gas.
Thank you very much antiquerose. I fear it would be a bit of a drive.
Thank you very much racer4four. I have another roadside attraction rule but I can't remember it.
Thank you very much kyratango. That probably has happened.
Thank you very much rocker-sd. The Salton Sea may be an interesting area to visit as it is a ghost town now.
This is more than amazing to me, I love it!!!!!
Thank you very much Virginia.vintage.
Thank you
Thank you EJW-54.
I had a picture of my grandson looking out from between T-Rex's teeth.
Excellent. If possible you should post it sometime.
Thank you Sean68 and Hedgewalker.
Thank you rodster101.
Thank you very much Brunswick. Sounds like my kind of place.
Thank you
Big lizard!! They don't belong with people and neither do some other nasty critters that still exist. Let the environmentalists love the big centipedes of Hawaii cause I don't!
Thank you very much Rattletrap. I'll post my big centipede for you.
Thank you AzTom.
Thank you very much Brunswick. I recall that show.
Thank you
Hey!!! I know exactly where these are! They used to give helicopter rides there too!