Posted 10 years ago
(956 items)
We like this cute little 40s-50s gas pump because of the original ad glass that was in it when we found it last year. We were on a trip looking for gas pumps and found this one in the side yard of an old farm in the Pacific Northwest. Since these old pumps weigh about 400# we were thrilled to find that the lady who sold it to us had a big front end loader she loaned to us to load this heavy little guy in to our truck bed. That was a great day of Hunting where we found 8 pumps and were so loaded we had a flat/blowout on our trailer on the way home and had to leave the trailer at a gas station over night to go home and get another spare. While the fun is in the Hunting, it can be a lot of work to do the "Gathering" and loading. Keep on Hunting as we at aaaLakeside Storage want to buy what you find. Happy Hunting.
You have had some great adventures with your collecting!
Love old Gas Pump, great post!
Thanks. You are right! We have had soooo much fun hunting this stuff!