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Vintage Mickey and Minnie Mouse dolls

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Dolls4751 of 5005My ALGY bear was a Christmas present in 1955.Monkey Doll early 1920's?
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (46 items)

    Someone needs to help me out with these as well. I don't think these were made by a specific toy company. In my research, I have found that McCall's had a pattern back in the 40s, I think, of this Mickey and Minnie.
    It was a pattern to make the dolls. I think these are homemade. Someone who knows more could tell me if I am right or wrong. Both of them have
    metal rods in the legs that you can feel through the padding if you squeeze them.

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    1. Warren Madden, 14 years ago
      Hi, Love these dolls! They are really cool!!!
    2. Woman34 Woman34, 14 years ago
      Thanks Warren:)
    3. Alex, 14 years ago
      Look up Charlotte Clark mickey dolls maybe that will help.
    4. ozmarty ozmarty, 13 years ago
      In Australia a company called Joy Toys made similar ones. Also some woman's magazines had patterns for them in the 1930's .
    5. Woman34 Woman34, 12 years ago
      Thanks geo26e for the love:).
    6. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      I want to hug them! So sweet!
    7. zedwards, 9 years ago
      I have the same dolls. My Minnie have a green dress with a green bow. They both have a tag that side Nana's art. I paid 50.00 for both of them. I don't know anything about them.
    8. Kellymore Kellymore, 3 years ago
      They are possibly English from the firm Rag-Dolls

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